Ch. 5

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The plot that Shota came up with was unrefined, and thus needed final touches. And who better to help refine it than the resident problem child, Izuku Midoriya. The kid was a tactician, at least when he had a good grasp on what the opponent could do. This made him Shota's most valuable asset, though he would never admit it. Thus, he kept the kid after class the day he had a grasp on his own plan.

"Midoriya. It's hard to say this but...I require your help." Shota said, feeling guilty to drag a child into this, even if he had no other options.

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa?" Midoriya's green eyes stared into Shota's dark ones, an eagerness to help simmering in them. Shota pulled out a notebook, one that he used to keep notes on the Todoroki boy in.(This, he would never admit) He flipped through the first few pages, before he got to his very unrefined and risky plan.

"If you could look this over, and give me input on what I should change, that would be fantastic."

"Of course. Give me a few hours, and I'll have everything ready."

"Thank you, Midoriya."

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