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Shota Aizawa knew the system was f*cked up.

"Child Protective Services, how may I help you?" A lady's voice said in his ear.

"Hi, I'm Shota Aizawa, and I would like to file a report of abuse."

"Of course. What's the name and age of the child?" The lady asked.

"Shoto Todoroki, age 15."

A slight pause took place.

"You mean the son of Endeavor." The lady's voice wavered.

"Yes. What of it?"

"I'm sorry, I will have to call you back." The lady said, and hung up.

Aizawa removed the phone from his ear, and stared at it for a second.

Toshinori walked in the room.

"So, how was the call to Child Protective Services?" He asked, grabbing his #1 Teacher mug, and filling it with coffee.

"F*cked up. The lady said she'd have to call me back and hung up after I'd mentioned Todoroki's name." Aizawa groaned, setting down the phone and rubbing his eyes.

"I know. This is just....totally messed up. Did you mention that you were his teacher?" Toshinori asked.

"No. She hung up before I could." Aizawa said, plopping down in a chair, spinning it in a circle.

"You do realize that he's the most powerful man in Japan? He could sue them." Toshinori said, putting a hand on Aizawa's shoulder.

Aizawa nodded wordlessly.

"Anyway, we'll just have to take matters into our own hands. Get a warrant, and break into Endeavor's house while Todoroki is there." Toshinori said, sitting down across from Aizawa and clasping his hands together.

"You make it sound like it's simple." Aizawa grumbled, getting up and grabbing his cat mug to fill up with coffee.

"It's not, I know. This is why we get a warrant from the police. Endeavor can't sue--that I know of--the law department. Maybe."

Aizawa sighed and shook his head. He'd deal with this tomorrow, once Child Protective Services gives him an answer.

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