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Shota Aizawa didn't know how he ended up in this situation.

Sitting next to Todoroki on their ride to the local hospital to apparently see Todoroki's mother, made Aizawa wonder why he agreed to this. Until the memory hit him like a brick.

"You...said I'll be able to see my mom, right?" A hesitant Todoroki said to him after class.

"Yea, kid, as long as someone goes with you. Why?"

"I...I want to visit her."

And that led them here, with Hizashi in the front seat with the music blasting, Todoroki looking out the window, and Aizawa wondering why he even made Hizashi come along.

Right. He needed someone to take Todoroki back while Aizawa was talking to his mom and her doctors about setting up a court hearing and if she could appear.

They pulled up along the curb. Todoroki and Aizawa got out, as Hizashi wished them luck and told Aizawa to call him when they needed to be picked up.

They went into the revolving doors, to reveal a decently sized room with a little waterfall in the middle of it. The man at the desk smiled.

"Shoto Todoroki, here for Rei Todoroki?" The man said, peering over the rim of his glasses at Todoroki.


"And this is...?" The man said looking pointedly at Aizawa.

"Shota Aizawa. I'm Shoto's teacher." Aizawa said, giving a respectful nod.

"Ah, well, Shoto, you know the way." The man said with a smile. Todoroki nodded and led Aizawa to the elevator.

One short elevator trip later, they were standing outside a door that said 'Rei Todoroki' in gold plating to the side of it. Todoroki opened the door.

"Hi mom," The youngest Todoroki said, prompting the woman in the room to turn around. She had pure white hair and grey eyes. Dressed in a pale blue blouse and white yoga pants, she looked delicate, like she could break if Aizawa wasn't careful.

"Shoto!" The woman said happily, reaching her arms out towards her son. Her son returned the embrace, burying his head in her shoulder.

"How have you been?" She asked.

"I've been good." Todoroki said, his voice muffled slightly by the woman's shirt.

"And who's this?"

"I'm Shota Aizawa, Shoto's homeroom teacher at U.A." Aizawa said, staying in the door frame.

"Please, come in."

"I'm pleased to meet you Mrs. Todoroki," Shota said, bowing slightly.

"Please, Rei is fine. Well, Shota Aizawa, how has my son been doing?"

"Just Shota is fine, and Shoto's been doing well. He's going to make a fine hero one day."

An hour of mindless chatter between mother and son commenced, before Aizawa told Rei he had something he wanted to discuss with both her and her doctors.

Rei excused her son to find the doctor, then proceeded to ask about what was needing to be discussed.

The doctor and Shoto came in, and Aizawa told them about the court case that was to be set, and how he was wondering if Rei could come in as a witness, if it wouldn't set her back on her path to recovery. The doctor deemed her stable enough, so it was decided. Rei Todoroki was their last piece of evidence, and U.A. was taking Endeavor to court. 

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