Ch. 7

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The wait was excruciating, to say the least. Every day Shota waited, meant one more day that the student was potentially getting harmed. And then, the unexpected happened. U.A. High got itself a dorm system. Though it was due to a need to keep a closer eye on the students, and their safety on top of that, Shota couldn't help but feel a bit of relief at the fact that his suspicions might be put at ease, even a little bit.

Shota knew, by all means, that he wasn't going to get any concrete evidence just yet. But the dorms will at least provide a safe space for the kid, temporarily at least. Of course, this also meant he had the rest of his class to deal with also.

They weren't bad kids, not really, just annoying. So very annoying. Shota rubbed his eyes, feeling a migraine build up. The majority of his class was yelling, suitcases and furniture scraping against the floor. The excitement was tangible, and he hated it.

Not that he was wanting to spoil the mood, of course not. It was only because he could not stand the loud noises. He sipped at his ever present thermos of coffee, leaning further back into the couch. Several of his students asked him questions about what they could and couldn't do with their dorms. He just waved them off, telling them he doesn't care.

As he sat there and "monitored" the move in, he scrolled through his phone while nursing his coffee. Then he noticed that the Todoroki boy was oddly standing in the hallway, a suitcase and backpack in hand. He seemed to be...hesitant to move in, as if something was holding him back. So, Shota decided to get up from his now-favorite spot, and talk to the kid.

"Todoroki?" He asked, standing next to the kid. The child in question flinched at Shota being next to him unannounced.

"Hi, Mr. Aizawa." Todoroki responded flatly. He stared straight ahead, pressing the button to the elevator.

"You seem to be nervous. Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine. My father just... never mind."

That sentence sparked some warning signs in Shota's head. He didn't know if his instincts were correct from that one sentence, but that told him to keep digging. And keep digging he will.

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