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"i heard a glass shatter on the wall in the apartment above mine"

it was currently 11:44 pm, the murky blueness of the night cast a looming shadow over each piece of IKEA furniture in the apartment. door 204, infamous for loud music and long nights. nobody in the apartment complex had actually properly met the inhabitant of the space behind the door, only hearing rumors or murmurs of him passed through loudmouths much like himself.

no one actually wanted to bother him though, the rumors being enough to keep them satisfied, and he was okay with that. he will admit that maybe sometimes, when the clouds knot together and the wind creates just enough breeze through his window to sway his lace curtains, that the loneliness does eat at him. he will admit that only sometimes the knot in his chest that screams "alone!" is finally enough to cause a tear to slip. and he will admit that, that happens more than often. he will admit, but only in his head. never out of his loudmouth.

and okay, maybe the reason he parties so much is in the hopes of loosening that knot, and maybe the reason he sleeps around is to lessen the chill he feels within each goose-bump that textures his rough skin. but at the end of the day he's still left feeling alone and cold.

the boy starts to think that maybe the only thing he ever actually will be is the rumor behind door 204.

𝘙𝘰𝘣𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘴 // 𝙍𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙚 {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now