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Eddie was sitting in the on campus coffee shop, watching as people walked by, either rushing to class or waiting for their coffee, they all looked the same to him. Bill and Mike were in their class and Eddie's hadn't started yet. The caramel latte that was providing his hands with warmth was now going cold, the drink was almost full.

 Eddie just couldn't stomach anything right now, the image of Richie looking so sad and shy had stuck in his brain since he bumped into them. He looked like he was about to start crying, the very thought made Eddie feel sick, he didn't want the man to feel any sort of sadness. It was so weird to Eddie how Richie's whole mood could shift within a second, it baffled Eddie. 

He also noticed how after Richie realised that Eddie wasn't the only person within his presence, Richie refused to look at anyone. much like when Eddie had first met him and he instantly looked away from Eddie. He wanted to ask Richie about it but would he be over stepping a line? He still isn't over the whole 'cologne' incident. He's glad Richie didn't question his dumbness. 

Eddie tried to not think about it anymore but it quickly shot to his head again as the door of the cafe opened and closed, The same raven curls he had been trying not to think about came trailing in, his expression dismal and down. It hurt Eddie's heart to see Richie look so sad, what he wanted to do betrayed what he did when he found himself hollering Richie's name, wanting to gain the mans attention. 

Richie jumped, startled at the sudden shout of his name, he flinched a bit looking around until his eyes landed upon Eddie. Eddie in his black cycling shorts, his pink bubblegum sweater and those little pink hair clips he used to pin his wavy brown hair behind his ears. Richie thought he looked absolutely adorable, even if it was the second time he was seeing him that day. his mood instantly lightened, a toothy smile started to light up his features.

"Hey Eds! be right over, i just gotta order!" Richie hollered back, gaining a few annoyed looks from students trying to study. Eddie wasn't one of those people, but boy was he doing some studying. He watched as Richie swiftly turned back towards the counter to order, The black blazer he's wearing, over a black and white graphic tee, twisting along with his body. He stared at Richie, thinking about how his skinny ripped jeans highlight his long legs and lanky figure and how swiftly he turned in his black combat boots. The emo poster child, Eddie thought, laughing to himself slightly.

Eddie moved his eyes up and down Richie's figure, scaling his obviously skinny body, stopping at his freckled face. Richie's black curls were more tame as they were pulled into a small ponytail at the upper part of the back of his head. A mess of curls exploded from the, almost invisible, bobble, showing Richie's sharp jawline. Eddie liked it much better when he could actually see Richie's face. He wasn't wearing his glasses as Eddie noticed had become an essential part of the man, Eddie didn't mind though, he thought Richie looked much hotter like that. wait- Eddie no! not hot.

As if time suddenly sped up again, Richie turned back to Eddie a grin plastered across his pale face, Richie's cheeks held a light blush and Eddie thought it was the cutest thing he had ever seen. Richie made it to Eddie's two-person booth, still smiling, his hands held a large hot chocolate, mini marshmallows swam in the creamy foaming of the top. Eddie didn't take Richie for a hot chocolate kinda guy. 

Richie sat down across from Eddie, scanning his surroundings a bit before dropping his smile slightly. Eddie frowned and tilted his head at the way Richie nervously gulped as he scanned the room then took a sip of his drink. Eddie was confused, he had never seen somebody shift moods so rapidly since the first time he refused his mother's pills. He tried not to think about that.

Richie looked up from his drink and noticed that Eddie's drink had barely been drank despite Eddie having wrapped his hands around it like he was trying to guard the drink with his life. Eddie had looked away from Richie at this point, looking mindlessly elsewhere. "Hey Ed's, you gonna drink that?" Eddie's eyes snapped towards Richie then back down at his latte he pushes it towards Richie after unraveling his hands from the glass. "Don't call me that."

Richie raised his eyebrows at Eddie, chuckling slightly, his mood turned serious however, when something suddenly popped back into his mind. What he wanted to ask Eddie but didn't get the chance to before Stan was pulling him away. "Hey, Ed's, you know when me and Stan bumped into you this morning?" Richie waited for Eddie to confirm earning a nod in return after a quick huff from Richie ignoring his previous statement.

"What really happened? you said you knocked a plate over."

Eddie scoffed "you just answered your own question." 

"nah i don't believe it." Richie shrugged and leaned back against the booth, his long legs stretching out underneath the table.

"what?!" Eddie looked at him as if he were insane. 

"i don't believe it." Richie stated, matter-of- factly. "If you weren't lying you wouldn't be so nervous right now...talk to me Ed's."

"i don't know you." Eddie scoffed "And don't call me that!" Eddie looked stress, his fingers fiddling together nervously, Richie was right, he was practically pissing himself. 

"well, get to know me Ed's." Richie crossed his arms over his stomach, a smug grin spread across his face. "ask me anything." Richie looked like he was really enjoying himself and Eddie hated it.

"Okay...favourite colour?" 

"Black." Eddie rolled his eyes.

"favourite movie?" 

"The lost boys."

"Favourite food?"

"lasagne." Eddie was quiet, he was tired of asking Richie questions even if it was only three. Richie laughed from his spot in the booth. "Okay, my turn!" 

"What no way!" Richie ignored him, still finding joy in the situation.

"Favourite colour?"

"anything pastel."

"Favourite movie?"

"the breakfast club."

"Favourite food?"


"Why did you smash the plate?"

"panic attack." 

Eddie went quiet and so did Richie, the silence was suffocating, Eddie looked at his , now cold, latte and downed it all in one go, his lungs screamed at him to breathe but his mind was too fuzzy to listen. Eddie slammed the glass back down onto the table and pulled his inhaler out to take a puff. The commotion gained a few people's attention and Richie turned his body towards the big window next to them.

"I knew it." Richie quietly mumbled, taking a gulp of his hot chocolate. Eddie whipped his head towards him as anger settled on his features. 

"oh you knew! you FUCKIN' KNEW DID YOU?! you don't know my life! you don't even know my last name!"

"Eddie stop shouting." Richie quietly mumbled , his eyes dark. Eddie couldn't believe it. 

"You have some nerve Richie." Richie stared down at his hot chocolate, refusing to meet Eddie's eyes that were burning holes into him. he had just met Eddie and he had already screwed it up, he just wanted the attention off him, he wanted to apologize for over stepping but couldn't bring himself to speak. he felt like crying, or dying, or both, he didn't really care which one.

Eddie stared at Richie incredulously, waiting for at least an apology  or an utter of something. But nothing came, Richie stayed quiet and Eddie scoffed before grabbing his things and leaving.

Well done Tozier, you royally fucked up...like always.

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