✨no show✨

82 4 6

A/N: Trigger Warning: drug usage, panic attack

(I love y'all, stay safe.)

The song Richie sings is the one above :)

The two had spent the rest of the day together, Eddie had left when Stan came back to the apartment and promptly yelled "you two fucking or can i come in?!" 

Richie smirked as Eddie blushed deeply, Richie had responded with a quick 'you're okay' then walked Eddie out, the two parting with a quick peck on the lips. 

it was the day of the show and Richie had spent all day sat in his room practicing for that night. He was only a little nervous but only a little since he played at Stan's bar all the time. He was more nervous that this time Eddie would be watching him, he's gotten used to playing for the regulars but this was Eddie. and sure he played that one song but he had almost had a heart attack during. 

Richie stopped strumming his guitar, his mind reeling. He knew exactly how to take the edge off, however, he knew if Stan caught him, he would be dead meat. 

"fuck it" Richie muttered, going into his bedside drawer and taking out a small plastic bag containing a white powder. He sighed before grabbing his small mirror and pouring the substance onto it, his hands trembling slightly. 

Stan was currently at work, however sometimes he would pop back into the apartment to check on Richie every now and then. Said man got up and locked his door, he had about an hour till he had to be at the bar which was more than enough time for the drug to kick in. 

Richie rolled up a dollar bill after making almost perfect lines with his credit card. He sniffed up the cocaine, his head feeling fuzzy, his nose tingling. He knew it wasn't the best solution but he knew he'd be off his game if he got too nervous. he wanted everything to go perfectly. for Eddie. 


Eddie was sitting on the side of his bed, his head in his hands, he could feel himself getting worked up and he didn't know how to stop it. He knew what was happening, it always did, he would have a panic attack, except, this was a bad one. he would probably end up passing out at some point. 

Eddie got up, inhaling sharply and walking into his living room where there was a window seat. he sat there, opening the window and wrapping the blanket there around himself.

Eddie was shaking from head to toe, his breath coming out in laboured gasps, The man gripped at his throat, tears streaming down his face, he felt his chest constrict and tighten as he let out a choked sob, his throat hurting from the effort of that. 

He felt pathetic, small, weak, useless. As he cried, Eddie came to realise that it had always been that way, his whole life, he had felt that way. only it changed when he met Richie. When he met Richie he realised it was okay to feel that way and suddenly Eddie didn't care anymore. 

But right now, he was alone. Richie wasn't next to him and neither was Bill or Mike or even Beverly, hell, him and Stan had even started to get along. But Stan wasn't there, no one was. He was alone and it was that thought that forced another sob out of him. 

Eddie clenched his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut, his face flushed red as he clawed as his throat, trying to get himself to calm down. it had been about thirty minutes that Eddie had been sitting there and it was getting harder and harder to breathe. 

Eddie felt lightheaded as black spots dotted his vision and before he could even start to call someone, he had already passed out, his head lolling back and his hand falling from around his throat, his hair subtly sweeping across his face from the breeze out the window. 

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