✨feel nothing✨

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A/N: okay yes i may have quoted call me by your name but i couldn't help myself.

Stan had left for his morning classes, Richie had mentioned something to Eddie about his noodle headed friend studying animals and animal care, Eddie thought it was perfect, Bill was also studying in the field of animals.  

Richie was in the middle of blabbering about some bitch who knocked into him at the cafe once, Eddie wasn't really listening to anything he was saying as the question kept coming back to him. what were they? they had kissed and it had been passionate and very much not accidental but even with Stan gone now the two hadn't talked about it.

"--turns out i knew the bitch from school! 'Greta something-or-other--"

"What are we?" 

Eddie sharply cut Richie off as he turned towards the man, legs crossed since the two had since migrated to the living room couch. where we had kissed, Eddie remembered. 


Richie was surprised at the quick input from the smaller man, blubbering on his words a bit as he tried to puzzle together what the brunette had just asked him. What were they?

"Well, My dear Eddie, we are those of two men who- who feel very strongly towards the feeling of feeling something." 

Richie said those words like he had said them a thousand times before, his body now mirroring Eddie's as he turned towards him, legs crossed in front of him. Eddie wanted to burst out in tears at what Richie had said, the words cutting into him like a knife Richie had sharpened and carved with his initials. 

"Fuck you."

Richie recoiled, astounded at the harshness in Eddie's voice, had he said something wrong? he guessed there was always something wrong within the truth, but if the world were to be made up completely of lies it would be even more imperfect and yet he saw the man sitting across from him as perfect, he had to be honest. 


"Fuck you for making me feel things!" 

Eddie shoved Richie's shoulders, nudging him back slightly. Richie stared blankly at Eddie, he thought it was best to let the man get his anger out now, he had been in Eddie's place before. Richie was waiting for more, except it never came as Eddie sat back from pushing Richie and stared back at him, a sorrowful expression making it's way onto his face.

"Eddie...if you felt nothing, or spent your time trying so hard not to, you would not be so interested in me. in my life. What do you want? to feel nothing?...why? what pleasure or satisfaction do you get by living in a bubble clouded by your own insecurities and fears? you get nothing Eddie, trust me. i know you want to feel nothing as to not feel pain but that's what makes you human. like me, skin and bones. you? Eddie? you are skin and bones and feelings and that's okay." 

Eddie had never heard such things, he didn't think Richie had it in him, to be so...wise.

"where-where did you learn all th-that from?" 

"life, i guess. i can still taste my past Ed's." 

Eddie was stricken by Richie and his sudden sense of the world. How could such a dense seeming person know so much. He inhaled, taking a deep breath and shaking his senses back to reality, he hadn't prepared for such an intense conversation.

"i like the way you say things." 

"yeah well, i write lyrics." 

Eddie laughed lightly and sniffled, still getting over the mans previous words. 

"tell ya' what Ed's, you, me, dinner, tonight." 

"like a date?"

"like a date."

Richie clarified, staring intently at Eddie, he watched the brunette smile before nodding, agreeing to go along with Richie's proposal. He thought a date sounded nice, it was slow and easy. dating, something Eddie was no stranger too but wasn't the biggest fan of but looking into Richie's eyes he could tell that this was different. This was Richie.

Richie smiled, happy that Eddie had agreed. He looked at the doe eyed man, admiring the way his freckles dotted perfectly across his flush cheeks, his tan skin making his honey eyes jump out beautifully, his soft curls held back by those multi-coloured clips you would by for $1.99 at your local 'Walmart'.  Richie thought he had never seen something so perfect. 

"May i kiss you?" He asked shyly, his voice small yet hopeful. Eddie put his hand on the back of Richie's neck, rubbing up and down slightly, nodding his head in approval. Richie bought his hands up to Eddie's fest, letting them rest on the man's cheeks as they both slowly edged forward. Eddie stopped moving suddenly and Richie frowned, feeling as if he had done something wrong, instead, Eddie bought his hand off from Richie's neck and took his glasses off that he had put on sometime that morning. 

After folding Richie's glasses and putting them to the side, Eddie surged forward, catching Richie's lips in a needy and passion filled kiss. Richie almost fell back from the force but quickly regained his balance as he bought his hands up, running them through Eddie's soft curls, gripping slightly at the roots as the two thought for dominance in the kiss.

Eddie felt his stomach flipping, he had never felt so much excitement and how he wished his mother could see him now so he could laugh in her face. in fact, he wished he could shout it to the whole world, I'm kissing Richie...Richie...what's-his-last-name. oh. 

Eddie pulled away from the heated make out, his face red and flushed, lips swelled and plump. 

"Richie, what's your last name?" Eddie asked breathlessly, the kiss leaving him gasping for air. 

"oh, huh i don't know yours either." Richie chuckled then offered his hand to Eddie as if he was going for a handshake. 

"I'm Richie, Richie Tozier but my friends call me Trashmouth! and to whom do i owe the pleasure of a kiss?" Richie performed, mimicking a posh voice and quirking his eyebrow. Eddie giggled bashfully, taking the taller man's hand and shaking it firmly. 

"Why i'm none other than Eddie, Eddie Kaspbrak." 

Richie extravagantly gasped, making Eddie giggle.

"The Eddie Kaspbrak?!" 

Eddie went along with Richie's jokes, nodding and giggling, his cheeks glowing a light pink and eyes full of admiration of the lanky man in front of him. Sure Richie could piss him off by ruffling up his hair or calling him stupid nicknames but Eddie decided that he was absolutely and terribly in love with the man. He thought it was a bit extreme to call it love since he had only know him for a week-or-so, but Richie had gripped his attention, taking him by the neck and captivating him, no one has ever been able to do that. No one, except Richie.

A/N: Hey! sorry this is so bad omg but it's a filler chapter and we'll just have to hope my writing skills get better in the time i post the next chapter. 

So do ya'll like the new name of the book?? :) 

Dudes I'm almost at 13k on TikTok :0

i love ya'll ~Elliot 

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