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Richie walked into his apartment shivering slightly, he missed Eddie's warm touch, not that he would ever admit that. Now that he was in his apartment, he felt cold, alone, not uncommon for him. Richie walked through his apartment towards the kitchen, the moonlight seeped through the apartment, the open windows adding to the goosebumps spread across Richie's body.

Richie walked into the kitchen, a nonchalant expression adorned his face, now that he was alone he crumbled, feeling the knot tighten. Richie stood in the middle of the kitchen, face void of emotion as a tear slipped out, slowly falling down his face. Richie thinks that maybe if the knot were to never go away that wouldn't be all bad, him getting used to the familiar feeling since it first started at thirteen. The day Henry Bowers accused him of 'trying to bone his little cousin.'

Richie stood still, his face still held a bored expression, and truthfully Richie was bored, bored with his life, the loneliness. he was so very bored, he needed an escape. Sucking in a breath, Richie stretched, shaking his arms a bit, trying to regain feeling in his limbs from standing so numbly for so long. He peered at the clock on the kitchen counter, the red numbers blared showing it was 1:05 am, Richie turned his head towards the balcony that extended from their kitchen, it was only small but he swore you could see everything from there.

Richie hoped to see the stars staring back at him but instead came to face a certain curly haired jew sitting out on the balcony. Richie sauntered towards the balcony, sliding open the glass door, he saw Stan huddled in a blanket, sitting upright on the floor, a bird book resting in his lap.

Stan didn't acknowledge Richie's arrival, he merely scooted over slightly, giving the taller male room to sit down. Instead Richie sat facing away from Stan before slowly resting his head down into Stan's lap as Stan moved his book. Stan could see Richie's somber expression and immediately ran his hand through Richie's hair, knowing it calms him down.

"What you got Stanny?"

"A flock of Goldfinches is called a 'charm'" Stan spoke softly, playing with Richie's soft curls.

"ahh, interesting." Richie pursed his lips together, eyes getting droopy due to how relaxed he was at that moment. Richie smiled and looked up at Stan "Stanny?"


"have i ever told you that your hair looks exactly like noodles?"

"Everyday Rich." Richie chuckled and lifted his arm to ruffle Stan's hair. Stan pulled away from the act slightly, rolling his eyes, amusement shone in them still however. If anyone asked the two they would say that they hated each-other then laugh but deep down They both knew that this is all they had.

Richie knew that without this he probably would've gone back to that night and Stan knew he would be stuck in Derry forever, becoming a rabbi like his father. They needed this. they needed each-other.

"you know," Stan started, shifting slightly "while you were at the bar something happened."

"your balls dropped?" Richie teased causing Stan to yet again roll his eyes, shoving him slightly.

"no i heard something, a noise, come from the apartment above ours, 505 i think they are." Richie furrowed his brows "what noise?" he asked softly

"like something smashing like a vase or plate or something." Richie wasn't sure why Stan bought this up, it wasn't any of their business, nor did Richie really care. "clumsy fucker probably just dropped something."

"yeah probably, i might drop by in the morning." Stan sighed, wrapping the baby blue blanket more around his shoulders "wanna come with?"

"sure why not." He had nothing better to do.

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