✨waffles or pancakes?✨

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it was dark. not the kinda dark where it swallowed you whole, like a bottomless pit, Eddie could still see the outlines of objects dotted around the room. He panicked a little, confused, Eddie never slept in the dark, he always had to have some sort of light on. He figured that he probably got home drunk and passed out on hid bed before turning on his night light. 

Eddie went to sit up from the bed in question when he realised he wasn't in a bed at all but rather sprawled across a hard floor. tiled to name the minor details. Eddie lifted himself and switched on the light he eventually found, shielding his eyes from the sudden burst of light.

Eddie's panic soon settled back in as he realised the bathroom floor he had passed out on was not his own. He felt his chest constrict as he threw open the bathroom door, it banging against the navy blue painted wall. Eddie ran out down the hallway, finding himself standing  tensely in what seemed to be the living room. a black sofa was positioned right in front of a semi-large TV. it was definitely more expensive than anything Eddie could afford. The navy blue walls of the room made everything so much bigger than it was but to the scared man standing in the middle of it all. he was suffocating, drowning in the blue.

Eddie closed his eyes, furiously shaking his head, hoping to open his eyes to his own warm living room, not this cold one. but alas, He opened them, his honey pools widening in fear at the coldness held within the room he was still stuck in. Eddie's head spun as he tried his hardest to remember how he had gotten to this place.

a party. there was a party...the root of all evil. There was a party and alcohol, good alcohol. lots of alcohol...lots of alcohol.

That's all Eddie found himself remembering. if e had passed out at the place that the party was held then surely the place would've still been trashed. but it wasn't, this place was dark but tidy, and it was only now that Eddie felt the chill from the window that was open, letting the October air sweep in. it was also now that he realised he still didn't know where he was. 

"Ah my dear boy, i see you have awakened! and just in time for breakfast, aye!" A voice along with a body burst through the glass doors connecting the living room and kitchen. a strange accent flowing in between the lines. Eddie was confused, he seemed to remember the raven curs that had so-gracefully-made their way up to him, but he couldn't be sure.

"And where am i? who are you?!" Eddie whipped his head back and forth quickly gesturing everywhere in a panicked state. "well, calm down fellow lad, you are but in the sweet sweet home of one Richie Tozier, whose presence i bestow upon you now!" Eddie whipped his head back towards the man whose name he learned was Richie. grimacing at the terrible accent as bits and pieces of memories came back to him. 

"Hey Rich, Ben, stop flirting for a second and come say hi to Eddie! He works at the bar."

oh no. Eddie was currently standing in some apartment that was probably infested with germs due to the amount of people that had been there previously and he was standing with the one person he didn't want to see again. great.

Richie chuckled at Eddie's frazzled expression, leading him to the kitchen with a nod of direction. Eddie willed himself to move, slowly creeping up towards the kitchen, suddenly being hit with an array of delicious smells. "so Eds, waffles or pancakes?" Richie was looking Eddie directly in the eyes, a complete shift from the character Eddie had met yesterday night.

"Umm, pancakes...and it's Eddie not Ed's." Eddie mumbled walking into the kitchen. Richie seemed more bubbly and alive today, Eddie had thought that he'd never seen someone alive look so dead yesterday, but now? He was as alive as the sun. it was nice look on him...no Eddie, you hate him, remember?

maybe hate was a strong word but Eddie remembers strongly disliking the man in question. How he was so rude as to not even glance his way before they met, or at least give him a pillow when he passed out on the bathroom floor. Eddie shivered in disgust at the thought of having slept in that germ fest most of the night.

Eddie was so caught up in his thoughts that he almost missed the other figure sitting at the kitchen table, a news paper in hand. This figure didn't seem to care much for Eddie's presence, only rolling his eyes every few minutes from one of Richie's comments.

"um...hi?" Eddie felt uneasy talking to this person, he felt unwanted. well, he felt like that in most situations anyway. The figure barely glanced up at Eddie, throwing him an almost inaudible 'hey' Eddie thought that maybe he had mistaken Richie for this person as the person from yesterday.

"oh! Ed's, that's Stan the man! Stan's a jew which means he really smart and says oi a lot!" Eddie glanced up at Stan who rolled his eyes again at Richie who was busying himself flipping a pancake. "Shut up Richie. I'm Stanley Uris, and trust me, don't listen to a word that leaves this idiot's mouth. He doesn't have a brain." Stanley was kinda funny, Eddie thought so.

Eddie chuckled and sat across from the man he now knew as Stan. Stan the man, Richie had called him. Eddie knew now that he hadn't gotten Richie and Stan confused at the party, he hadn't been able to get those raven curls out of his mind since he saw them. Stan's honey ones being no match for Richie's. 

As soon as Eddie had sat down, a stack of pancakes on a plate was placed in front of him, they looked as good as they smelled. for all he knew they could've been poisoned but he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity for a stack of pancakes that was right  in front of him. He'd have to be mad. "mm, so good." Eddie praised around a bite of pancake. 

"Hey that reminds me of last night Ed's" Richie chuckled, a devilish smirk on his face.

"last night?"

"yeah, your mum and me had the best time last night Ed,s!" Richie exclaimed, almost falling off his chair in laughter, earning another eye roll from Stanley. And although disgusted, Eddie couldn't help but admire the way Richie threw his head back carelessly, his Adams apple bopping up and down in contagious laughter. he almost got Eddie laughing himself. almost.

After breakfast had finished, Eddie thanked Richie for the pancakes and said goodbye to Stanley. Richie had offered to take Eddie home but he had explained that he only lived upstairs. so all was well as Eddie left the apartment, cheeks pink and mind racing. the most prominent thought being:

Holy shit! i think i just met 402.

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