✨testing the waters✨

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Eddie woke up at around 6:45 in the morning, engulfed in strong arms, he looked down at the thing keeping him from moving after wiping the sleep from his eyes, he let out a yawn and realised the thing was in fact not a thing but a person. That person being Richie Tozier. 

Eddie cradled his head at the sudden headache that formed, he rubbed at his forehead as he furrowed his eyebrows in slight pain, the headache wasn't bad but he would prefer for it to not be there. 

Eddie shuffled around a bit as he adjusted to his surroundings, he seemed to be on the living room couch, a blanket thrown over him as he lay directly on to of Richie. oh. Eddie blushed then panicked, being wrapped up in the mans arms like this was not helping with the whole 'in love with Richie' situation. 

In the midst of his panic, Eddie had somehow managed to wake Richie up as he felt the man's arms tighten around his waist and Richie mumble out a sleepy "Stop shuffling around so much Ed's" Eddie felt his chest tighten at Richie's deep, gravely morning voice. He cursed the Gods.

Eddie huffed and put his hands on either side of Richie's head leaning against the arm of the couch. Richie opened his eyes fully and yawned, the little yawn caused Eddie's heart to swell. Richie smiled and looked up at Eddie, almost admiring him.

"How ya' doin up there Ed's?" Richie smiled and his voice was small and sleepy, It caused Eddie's stomach to do cartwheels. Eddie smiled back down at Richie before lifting his hand and twisting one of Richie's curls around his finger.  

Eddie felt himself sliding against the fabric of the couch until there was pretty much no gap left between him and Richie. He blushed, his face getting hot and flustered, Richie noticed and smirked, he loved having that effect on Eddie. Eddie made no attempt to move as Richie kept smiling up at him, their noses touching. Eddie leaned down slightly and pecked Richie's lips, testing the waters. it was a simple, short, two-second peck but he was right. Richie's lips did make his tingle like the whiskey from earlier. 

Eddie lifted his lips from Richie's and looked into his eyes, waiting for Richie to shove him off and call him a 'fag'. Instead Richie smiled wider and surged forward, catching Eddie's lips in a longer kiss, This one was filled with more passion and want and Eddie felt his heart leap out of his chest to meet Richie's as the two men's chests flushed together. 

Richie was now sitting up with Eddie straddling his lap and it was just now that Eddie realised Richie was shirtless, he pulled back and admired Richie, his flushed face, his muscular frame, his arm tattoo sleeve. Richie was gorgeous. Eddie definitely thought so. 

"So beautiful." Eddie whispered, his breath fanning across Richie's lips and sending chills down the mans spine. Nobody had ever said that to him, sure he had had girls calling him 'hot' or 'sexy' but that was mostly just throw away compliments they used for sex, however, as he looked into Eddie's honey pools he felt the emotion shown in them grip him by the neck. he was simply suffocating in Eddie's love and he never wanted to stop. 

Eddie was the high that Richie had been chasing. sure he could smoke and take pills and do lines but each worthless high he found there only added to low he felt after, but now, he was right up the clouds and as long as Eddie was here he would never have to come down, he would never have to be afraid of the low. Not anymore. 

Richie's eyes welled and Eddie frowned, Richie looked sad and broken, he needed to fix him, to make it better, fix his broken man. Eddie leaned in for another kiss, this one was slow and passionate, it was filled with affection and care that Richie let a tear slip, the warm saltiness mixing with the kiss as Eddie bought his hand up from Richie's waist, putting it on his cheek and wiping his tears away.

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