✨Stan and Went task-force✨

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Eddie woke up, his lips chapped and face flushed from lying against an open window for almost two hours. He was exhausted, his body aching and shaky. 

Eddie jumped up suddenly however, remembering Richie's show, he thought that maybe he hadn't missed that much but taking a glance at the clock he realised that it was way past that point.  

Eddie groaned, he knew Richie would be mad, he seemed to notice that Richie lost his temper easily, he always seemed to just get too worked up. Eddie didn't blame the man for it, he loved how red Richie's face got, he quite enjoyed ticking the taller one off himself but now? now Eddie had to be honest that he was scared. 

Not scared of Richie, he knew the man would never physically hurt him, but emotionally? That's how people always got to him. Eddie just didn't want to be hurt again, he hoped that maybe Richie would be understanding. 

Just as Eddie was working up the courage to go over to Richie's, a knock came from his door and Eddie kind of hoped it was Bev wanting to talk about Eddie's overtime again more than he knew it was Richie. 

"Hey Eds, you in there?" Richie kept knocking, his knocks getting more erratic and desperate. 

Eddie opened the door, not wanting Richie to disturb the neighbours further.  

"Listen Rich-"

Richie walked past Eddie into the latter's apartment, his movements jerky and almost cautious. As Richie passed by Eddie, Eddie noticed the distinct smell of alcohol on the man. Eddie furrowed his eyebrows and closed his door. 

"Rich are you...okay?" 

"you weren't there."

Eddie paused for a second, guilt shining in his eyes. 

"i know. i'm sorry."

"why weren't you there!?" Richie looked desperate and hurt, looking at Eddie with wide and watering eyes, it was also then that Eddie noticed how dilated they were.

He figured that Richie was more than just drunk and he sighed. 

"Richie, you should sit down."

Richie sat where he stood, plopping down onto Eddie's hardwood floor that connected the foyer and the kitchen. Eddie gave him a confused look then went to get the man a bottle of water. 

"i finished the show early."

"oh that's...good?"



Eddie noticed that Richie was shaking slightly as he passed the man his water, He didn't want to push him but he wanted to know if he had to be worried. more than he already was that is. 

Eddie didn't get to question Richie as two more knocks came from his door,. He had never had this many people want to see him since someone wrote his address in the school bathroom with the tag 'visit for a good time ;)' 

His mom was not happy. 

Eddie looked back at a spaced out Richie before going to answer the door. He opened it to find Stan and a man he didn't recognise. Eddie opened his mouth to talk but Stan cut him off. 

"Is Richie here?" Eddie pointed behind himself slightly 

"He's here." 

The mystery man walked past Eddie, He was tall, definitely nearing seven foot. his hair was graying but he had a kind face. He held himself slightly hunched, as if he was always ready to give someone a hug. 

Eddie watched as the man walked up to Richie as Stan closed the apartment door, Richie looked like a child who had been caught doing something they were told not to. 

The mystery man helped Richie stand up properly, holding onto his arms softly. 

"Alright, we'll get out of your hair then, sorry for the sudden intrusion." The man's voice was gravely but his tone was soft, Eddie felt safe in his presence, he figured that Richie would be okay with this man. 

"Ah i'm sorry, my name is Wentworth, but you can call me Went." 

Went held his hand out to Eddie after he got Richie to secure himself. Eddie shook his hand, they were big and calloused and Eddie saw definite similarities between him and Richie. 

Eddie looked back at Stan after letting go of Went's hand, Stan glared at Eddie slightly. 

"This," He gestured Richie. "is your fault you know." 

Eddie frowned, his cheeks becoming flushed and hot. 

"I didn't mean to miss the show, i swear! i really did want to be there!" 

"Then why weren't you!" The conversation had turned into a shouting match between Eddie and Stan. 

Richie tightened his grip on Went's shoulders. "Dad, i think i'm gonna puke." 

Wentworth panicked slightly, not wanting Richie to throw up on him...again. Went bought him over to the kitchen sink he spotted and lifted Richie's glasses off his face so they wouldn't slide down his face. 

Eddie and Stan stopped shouting at each other when they were interrupted by the sound of Richie heaving.

"see," Stan stated "He was already a mess before you kaspbrak. i say you should bail now, before you make things worse."

Eddie's shoulders fell as he looked down, he had caused this to happen, even if he didn't mean to. He didn't want to let Richie go, he loved him, even if he hadn't said it out loud he sure did feel it. Eddie knew that letting Richie go would be one of the hardest things he would ever do. Eddie cursed himself for falling for the man so deeply. 

After Richie was done throwing up his insides, Went and Stan helped him out of Eddie's apartment and back to his own. 

"wait Stan-" Richie mumbled, gripping tightly onto the shoulder of Stan's grey sweater, "I don't- I don't wanna leave Eddie's." 

"But Rich-" 

"i wanna go back." Richie spat slightly, his voice stern, almost angry. "i need to see Eddie." 

Stan and Went exchanged an unsure glance, Wentworth didn't know Eddie and didn't personally have anything against the boy but his Richie seemed hurt and Went would do anything to make sure he wasn't and if Keeping him away from this Eddie boy ensured that, he would do it. 

Stanley had only known Eddie for the couple months that Richie had known him, sometimes they would bump into each other in-between classes and overall, Stanley thought Eddie was a pretty nice dude, but his best friend was drunk and high and it was all because of the same person he shared a croissant with one morning. 

"Richie, can't you see yourself right now? that's because of Eddie." 

"No Stanley, i did this to myself, and i just need...Eddie." 

Stanley sighed and Went stared pitfully at his son, they both knew they couldn't stop Richie even if they tried, even in his current state. 

Stanley turned around from outside their apartment and headed back to Eddie's. Once there, Stan knocked on the door and handed Richie to Eddie once latter opened the door, checking the time, Stan turned to went asking if he wanted to crash at his apartment as it was already 1:30 in the morning. 

Nodding, Went followed Stan back to the apartment, Stan knew that Richie just needed time and he also knew Eddie was going to give him the piece of mind in that time. As much as he didn't like the man right now, he had to admit that Eddie and Richie had something special. 

They would sort it in the morning. 

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