✨ 505 ✨

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Eddie was alright. the room was quiet, the TV being the only noise. it went through one ear and out the other as the small Kaspbrak boy sat on the living room sofa, his face void of emotion, eyes dissociated, not exactly trained on one thing. his consciousness drifted in and out as he let the cool air hit his face from a fan in the corner of the room that never seemed to be turned off. 

it was 4:55 pm, Eddie had been sitting there staring at nothing, letting the TV take away his thoughts, for exactly 45 minutes. his hands trembled slightly as he brought one of them up to push back his mousy brown locks, the fan having pushed them in to his rosy-cheeked face. the wind whistled throughout his apartment, however sounding distant as it hit his ears. he didn't know what he was going to do. he was scared, he didn't want to be but he was. he was panicking for no given reason.

it had been this way since he was a kid and was diagnosed with a panic disorder after breaking down in class and being sent home. that was the only time he received medication that wasn't fake or forced. his mother, Sonia, didn't believe the diagnosis, she claimed that the breakdown was staged and the boy just wanted attention. it made Eddie's head spin, how could she had been so naive?

so Eddie was panicking. he chalked it up to stress in school and him not knowing what essay were due and when. his friends, Mike Hanlon and Bill Denbrough suggested that Eddie take a year off from college, knowing how bad his stress and panic attacks get. but a year ff would only give him time to worry more, at least with school he was always doing something.

but right now he just sat here. his brain spinning and eyes watering, his hands shaking and leg bouncing. he needed to get away, he needed to distract his mind from freaking out. Eddie moved then, his neck cracking as he glanced over at his kitchen island table, the boy stared solemnly at a piece of paper he found on his way up to his apartment. more like it was pinned up on the complex's notice board and he ripped it off, but there was multiple copies of it around the place so one missing one shouldn't be a bother.

Shakily Eddie stood, letting his limbs regain life, he stretched his legs out, joints cracking together as he attempted to regain control over his body. returning from that disassociated state. Treading over towards the kitchen, Eddie quickly grabbed a water bottle from out of his fridge and set it down in front of himself on the island. he slid the flyer over towards himself and read over what it said for the fifth time since he found it.

'kickin' party going down tonight, Wednesday night, in apartment 402. alcohol is to die for. 7 pm, everyone invited, be there or be lame!'

Eddie thought the flyer was quite absurd and it looked like it had been made within two minutes, almost as a last minute decision. But however much Eddie despised the craftsman ship of the flyer, he found the idea of a party becoming more appealing to him by the second. Bill was always insisting that Eddie should 'get out and have a good time' as he said it. But Eddie also wasn't going to doubt Bill because the truth was, Bill was right. Eddie did need to get out of his apartment and he did need to enjoy it. maybe he would drag Bill along with him.

the phone rang four times before Bill picked up and Eddie had set it down on the island, his hands trembling too much for him to hold it.

"hey Eddie, wuh-what's up?"  Bill's stutter had been getting much better since he moved out to Seattle for college with Eddie and Mike, Bill finally getting the speech therapy he needed.

"Hey Billy," Eddie's voice shook slightly as he leaned further into the island. "listen, there's a party tonight but i don't want to go alone so your coming- and before you interrupt me, i'm not taking no as an answer." Eddie was stubborn. and he was not  going alone.

"Eddie i wasn't g-going to say no," Bill laughed slightly as Eddie felt his shoulders loosen up a bit "i was j-just going to ask if i c-could bring Mikey along" Eddie heard Bill slightly curse his stutter as he awaited a response from the small boy.

"the more the merrier." 

Eddie hung up and texted Bill the details. He decided that since he now had two hours before the party started that he would shower while mentally preparing himself for the amount of people that are going to be stuffed into the one apartment. it was going to be a long night but hopefully one he will enjoy, or at least one with decent alcohol.


Bill and Mike met Eddie outside his apartment , the two boys noticed how shaky Eddie was but decided not to mention it, so instead Bill threw his arm around Eddie's shoulders as they all went to the floor below, towards room 402. 

music instantly filled the hallway and Eddie wondered how 402 hadn't been evicted yet although judging by the amount of people that were here Eddie guessed that the landlord was probably here also. the three had showed up at approximately 7:15 however there was still a massive crowd of people. Loads were dancing and loads were definitely drinking, almost everyone was gripping onto different coloured plastic cups. the alcohol must've been good.

Bill's grip on Eddies shoulders tightened, him being wary of the smaller boys anxious state. Eddie looked up at Bill then scaled his outfit, Billy had decided to wear brown baggy pants held up with a thin black belt, the pants paired with a beige tucked-in turtleneck with a plain white shirt over the top- also tucked in- and a pair of pristine white trainers, a chain also adorned his neck. Bill was stylish and Eddie felt under dressed in his black denim knee length shorts, baggy black ramones tee and vans. Eddie had dressed for a day out at the park rather than a party. at least that's what it felt like.

upon entering, Eddie found himself immediately wanting to go back home, this place was full of people willing to get drunk and sweaty and let loose. Eddie was not one of those people. Alcohol often burnt his throat, he hated how his- too long for his liking- hair stuck to his forehead when he sweated and his brain would never let him unwind. his head was a constant broken clock that insisted on still ticking. 

feeling like he was going to puke, Eddie turned back towards mike, only to see him getting friendly with some blonde chick. 'Already?' Eddie knew that mike was the only one actually willing to let him leave and he didn't want to go alone. Bill had wondered off to the beer pong table and Eddie felt alone. so utterly alone. 

the familiar panic started to set in and Eddie knew that if he din't calm down soon he was going to have a panic attack in the middle of the goddamn party. knowing he wasn't willing to risk that, the honey-eyed boy picked up a cup of alcohol that had been left on the side. in his better judgement, he thought about the possibility of the drink being drugged and him walking straight into the trap but as his breath got more shallow and his head started to spin Eddie downed the cup in one go.

 it was good alcohol, very good in his opinion. he appreciated that and maybe he would have to thank the host. if he could find them. everybody knew 402 threw the best parties but nobody ever actually saw them enjoying it themselves. they could've been for all anybody knew, they could've been anyone in the room since nobody had actually properly met 402.

Eddie made it his mission then to meet this mystery person. God was he in for a wild ride.


Hope you enjoy and have a great day my lovelies 😌✌🏼

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