✨mom, please ✨

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A/n: as a Brit it pained me to write 'mom' in this chapter, hope you enjoy lovelies :) ~Elliot.

(Above is a sketch i did for this chapter, I'm not an artist so pls don't judge me :( 

(p.s. u might wanna grab ur tissues for this one.)

Eddie was alright when the day started, he was happy even, but now he was annoyed and groggy. Mike and Bill were still in class so Eddie was left to wander around on his own, him not wanting to go to home. Bill had texted Eddie about an hour ago, just as Eddie had stormed out the cafe, Eddie didn't care to read the text properly, Bill was asking something about 'Richie's friend, the curly haired one.' Eddie stopped reading once he saw the name 'Richie'.

He felt bad, he always lost his temper so easily, maybe he had overacted but he also wasn't ready to open up to Richie like that. It wasn't exactly Richie's fault but he didn't appreciate the little mind trick either, it left his head feeling all fuzzy and muddy. Eddie was pacing around the small park near his college he was about to sit on a bench he was near when a buzzing from his pocket caught him off guard. 

He pulled out his phone and checked the number, it wasn't familiar to him but his mind was too meddled to care as he answered.

"Hey Ed's."

Eddie almost choked on his own spit. How the hell did Richie get his number?!

"Richie...?" Eddie felt uneasy, this had to be a joke. "How did you get my number?" Eddie was surprisingly calm, his tone even as he talked.

"Bev gave it me. listen, please can we talk." it was more of a demand than a request.

"Talk about what?" Eddie's tone still held a calm stance although the man felt on edge.

"I wanna apologize among other things...please Eddie." Richie's serious tone turned to a plead and it made Eddie feel dizzy, so here he stood; in the middle of a park, white as a sheet, considering hanging up on Richie point blank.

"Okay, meet me at the cafe?" 

"sure thing." 

Richie hung up and Eddie still felt uneasy, he felt his stomach clench as he stood still, it had only been three days of knowing Richie and the man had already made him feel more than he thinks he's ever felt.

Eddie sighed, forcing himself to relax as he made his way back towards the cafe he had previously stormed out of. 


Richie sat at the back of the cafe, cuticles nervously tapping against the wooden surface of the table. He fiddled with his Blazer sleeve as he waited for Eddie, thinking over what he was going to say to the small man. He figured he should start with the apology, that's always the best way to start, Richie thought as he looked to the side of him, the sun beating down on his face viciously through the big window next to him.

Richie was sat in the far back corner, not wanting to sit where people could see him, look at him, always looking. Richie's hand clenched, Ruffling up his blazer sleeve as he shut his eyes and evened out his staggered breathing. No Richie, No one is looking at you, why would they want to?

Richie thought over what he was going to say to Eddie but with his mind in such an anxious flurry he decided to just get up;leave, ignore Eddie for the rest of his life and die alone and depressed. yep that sounded good.

Just as he was about to get up and leave the cafe, Eddie entered and Richie mentally cursed the man for looking so damn cute. he'd never get used to it, he thought as he slumped back down in his seat, seemingly in a daze. Eddie caught sight of Richie at a table in the far back and made his way over to him, He could feel his heart beating out of his chest as he cursed at himself, why was he so nervous?

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