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A/N: light smut. 

The song Richie is singing is the one at the top

this is just a filler chapter so it's kinda short but enjoy anyway :) ~Elliot

Richie and Eddie spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch, sneaking kisses and watching their favourite movies. It was a Saturday but both Richie and Eddie weren't needed at the bar. 

They were halfway through watching 'the lost boys' when Eddie's eye landed on a guitar poking out from behind the TV stand. Eddie sat up from where he was leaning against Richie's chest and turned towards Richie, an excited look on his face.  

Richie sat up slightly, curious as to what Eddie seemed so excited about. 

"Play for me!" 


Eddie pointed towards the guitar, a wide grin spread across his face and it was then that Richie realised he would never be able to say no to anything that man asked of him.

"Okay dear."

Richie smirked, getting up and retrieving the guitar from it's place, Eddie noticed that it had been painted on, a galaxy scene spread beautifully across the base of the instrument. Art was something Eddie appreciated, he was actually studying an art history class. His smile got wider as Richie wrapped the strap around himself, the guitar resting easy off his shoulder. 

Eddie sat with his legs crossed, bouncing up and down slightly from the excitement of hearing Richie play something, he didn't even know if the raven topped man was good but Eddie didn't care, he loved the man's passion towards the subject. 

Richie stood in front of Eddie, adjusting his posture slightly and muttering what seemed to be lyrics to himself. The sudden clearing of his throat signalled that he was about to start and Eddie felt his heart beating out of his chest. 

Richie strummed the guitar a few times, getting the right tune then he started singing and Eddie didn't think he could fall any further. 

"Maybe i shouldn't try to be perfect

i confess i'm obsessed with the surface

in the end, if i fall or if i get it all

i just hope that it's worth it."

Eddie thought his voice was beautiful, it was the perfect mix between smooth and gravelly, Richie sang from the back of his throat, pushing all his emotion forward and into his words, Eddie could tell. 

"Last year i fell flat on my face

And last month i knew somethin' should change

Last week i started over again

Ask me and i'll tell you how i've been

Mhm, don't get me started." 

'i will' Eddie thought to himself ' i'll always ask, Richie.' Eddie loved how the taller man closed his eyes and kitten licked his lips, feeling the passion run through him. He could see how the man's face tensed then softened and Eddie realised he'd probably never been this vulnerable with someone, even if it was through song. 

"You got me nervous to speak

So i just won't say anything at all

I've got an urge to release 

And you keep tellin' me to hold on..." 

Richie paused taking a breath, feeling the lyrics, the meaning, run through him, up his veins and out his nostrils as he released the breath, his eyes still closed and concentrated. The man was shaking slightly, he hoped Eddie hadn't noticed. 

"You've got me nervous to move 

So i just won't give anything to you 

You got me turnin' all around to be who you needed me to."

Richie stopped and dropped his hands, letting the guitar rest against his stomach from the blue and purple striped strap. The Raven curled man opened his eyes, his breath coming out slightly shaky. 

"uh...yeah." Richie chuckled and placed the guitar resting up against the arm of his couch, his cheeks tinted in a rosy blush. 

Eddie had to admit that maybe he was sweating and maybe he found that whole thing really hot. Eddie smiled wide again, his face flushed and hot, and maybe he didn't think twice when he ponced up, pulling Richie into a kiss. 

Richie made a little noise in surprise and Eddie only pulled him closer, finding the little noise to be the cutest thing the man had ever heard. 

The two pulled away with a wet click, Richie humming happily as they pulled apart, he looked back at Eddie, admiring his face, his eyes that held these cute golden freckles and his swollen plump lips. Richie thought he was perfect. 

"What was that for Hun?"

Eddie smiled, matching Richie's love-filled grin, the two staring into each other's eyes. 

Eddie had his legs wrapped around Richie's waist as the taller man held him up, The brunette's arms resting on Richie's shoulders as said man held onto his thighs, keeping him up. 

"i just...that was really hot-" Eddie gushed, feeling his face heat up, the tip of his ears blushing red. Richie smirked, knowing his effect on the smaller man. 

"oh yeah?" Richie raised his eyebrow cockily, almost mocking Eddie. Suddenly Eddie was pushed up against the wall, his legs still wrapped around Richie's waist as said man kissed down Eddie's jawline and down his neck. 

Eddie let out a breath of surprise at the sudden action and moved his hands up to grip at Richie's raven curls, feeling the man slip his hands under Eddie's pastel yellow shirt. The apartment quickly filled with sounds of quick breaths and needy whines, both men needing something more. 

"w-wait." Eddie put his hand on Richie's chest and pushed the taller man away from his neck slightly. 

"i-i'm not-" Eddie didn't have to say more before Richie was leaning his forehead against the brunette's, calming his breathing along with Eddie. 

"it's okay. that's okay. i can wait, wait until you're comfortable. don't worry love."

Eddie smiled, he really had fallen for Richie and maybe it wasn't such a bad thing. Richie let go of Eddie, letting the man slide down and rest his feet on the ground. 

Richie walked backwards away from Eddie, smiling at him still as he walked. 

"Hey, i have a show tomorrow night...at Stan's bar, where i play and sing. you should come."

"Oh i don't know how much Bev would like me going into the rival bar." Eddie teased however there was some truth to it. Bev and Stan had been knocking heads since the bars opened, both fighting for a spot as Seattle's top bar.  

"right..." Richie chuckled, rocking on his heels slightly. 

"well she'll just have to deal with it." The raven haired man smirked, staring at Eddie adoringly. 

"i guess she will." 

Eddie laughed, excited to see Richie play more than just the one song, he knew he was bound to fall for the man more...if that was even possible. 

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