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It wasn't often Wentworth and Richie talked, not like they used to, but when they did Richie smiled a little brighter and everything was more okay. He missed his dad, phone catch-ups being the only thing stopping Richie from going back to Derry, but that was enough for him. 

Richie would call his dad whenever he got antsy or upset, always. There was the one time when he didn't but Richie prefers not to think about that night. He thinks that maybe without his dad he'd die, he'd be so lost, Richie shuddered at even the thought.

Went was happy that Richie called, him missing his son and wanting to know if he's okay, like every father does, or should. Ever since that night, Went kept his phone on him 24/7. Richie was never particularly a happy child, sure he was goofy and messed and joked around, but h wasn't happy. Went knew this, and therefore did everything in his power to ensure that Richie was okay and not alone.

He was obviously worried when Richie started staying out late, coming home and smelling like cigarettes and alcohol, that was only at the age of sixteen. He didn't want to watch his song slowly kill himself right in front of his eyes, he'd make sure that was the last thing that happened, no matter what the cost. That's why Went gave up his night job as a security guard, wanting to be at home with his son, wanting to care for him and show him he's not so alone.

Ever since Maggie, Richie's mother, passed it was like there was a shift in the air, Richie missed his mother dearly but it did bring him closer to his dad and his mom was never really present anyway, sometimes Richie would find her sitting in front of the TV, staring blankly at the static, it scared Richie to see his mother like that, he's happy she's in a good place now.

After Maggie died, Went tried his best to be there for his son, wanting to be present, wanting Richie to know he was there not just as a father but as a friend but as Richie got older he got more closed off, more distant and all of a sudden Richie understood his mother. He too would find himself staring at the black and white static of the small television in his childhood home, Richie would always tell people just how alike him and his mother were but he would never tell them of nights where he would too get lost in static whirring in his brain, sending into a spiral of parties, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs.

Richie hated himself for it and soon enough all the shame had built up but at that point him and Stan had already left Derry, Heading for Seattle. Seattle was like a breathe of fresh air but Richie was carrying so much pent up anger and sadness, Stan wished he had noticed. 

Either way, Richie was here now standing out in the cold, trembling hand holding the phone as he spoke to his dad, it was a conversation long overdue.

"i'm okay dad, i guess i'm just still settling into Seattle."

"you've been settling for over a year Rich, what's going on?"

Richie was quiet, he didn't know. well, there was so many ways he could answer that question but right now he knew what his dad was asking and he really didn't know. Why had Bev forced him into the cold to talk with his father? sure he was a bit antsy but that didn't mean he had to crying back to his dad again. he didn't need him, he was twenty for fucks sake.

okay maybe he did need him a little bit but every child needs their parent. Maybe Richie was more dependant on his dad than he should be but without him the world would cave in and he would be left in the dark. The pair was a duo you didn't mess with, and people tended to steer the opposite direction of the two anyway.

It had now been three minutes since Richie had said something, he decided to just ignore the question entirely. "How are things back home?" Richie could hear Went sigh over the phone, he felt bad for worrying his dad but he didn't want him worrying. 

"Things are fine Rich, lonely but okay."

"i promise i'll visit soon dad." Richie knew that was a promise he wouldn't keep, he hadn't been able to go back to Derry since he left, he wasn't even planning to go back for Christmas but he wanted the conversation to end soon, his fingers becoming numb from the cold November air. 

"okay son, i'll talk to you later, keep in touch,yeah?"

"i will Dad, bye." Another lie. Richie hung up, the tightening in his chest loosened a bit, he loved talking to his dad but he hated worrying him and he only ever called if he was upset or distressed, needing the comfort of his father, he'll visit one day, he swore it to himself.

By the time Richie finally came back into the bar, his shift was almost over and he felt bad that he hadn't actually done any work. "Hey Bev i'll stay longer and help close up tonight, k?" Beverly looked up at Rich from some paperwork she was doing at the bar. "It's fine Rich-" 

"I'm staying." Richie held eye contact with Bev, telling her he wasn't backing down. "Fine, whatever, Hey Ed, you stayin'?" Eddie quickly glanced up at Bev, surprised that his name came into mention. All the other worker's shifts had ended and they had gone home, it was now only the three there, a few customers dotted around. Eddie's shift had ended twenty minutes ago but the thought of going home to a dark, empty, cold apartment sent shivers down his spine.

"Yeah Bev, if that's alright with you."

"of course, Let me see how much i owe ya for the extra time." Eddie's pulse quickened, he didn't want to be paid and hated, he would rather be poor and humble.

"Nothing Bev, you owe me nothing, d-don't worry about it." Bev frowned,Eddie always refused the extra money and it confused the girl, was it even legal for Eddie to be working all those extra hours without being paid for them? Beverly had also caught on to how alone Eddie seemed, she would often catch him staring longingly at people who would come into the bar in groups of people, or even couples. That's why she had tried to introduce him to her friends but that didn't go as well as she thought.

"Okay, if you say so Eddie, but one day you will get the money i owe you, i promise." Why did nobody get that Eddie didn't want the money, he didn't care. Money wouldn't stop his panic attacks, money wouldn't make him less alone. sure, he could eventually buy a nice house with it but then he's just a lonely man standing in a big house, no one to share it with.

Eddie just shrugged and got back to work sweeping the floor, he knew that Beverly would hold onto that promise but by the time he finally accepted the money he'd probably be dead, whether it's natural causes or suicide, he's never getting that money. 

Eddie looked back up from his gaze on the floor, eyes quickly sweeping over the bar, he finally landed his eyes on the same man that had made him feel so warm but just a few hours ago. since then Eddie had felt unbelievably cold, he even turned the heating up before Bev turned it down since customers were complaining that it was too hot. However, he hadn't even felt it.

He wondered if maybe Richie felt the cold too as he kept his stare upon the tall man, Richie had busied himself wiping  down tables and picking up empty glasses. Eddie's cleaning stalled as he stared at Richie, his mind was clouded with Richie's touch on his cheek, his mouth filling up with taste of sweet pancakes. He felt warm again.

As he was staring at Richie he found himself not even being able to form a single thought, let alone a word. he figured his question could wait for later.

A/N: are my chapter too short cause i can make them longer :)
Also i luv ur comments~ Eli

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