✨the brunette✨

95 3 27

A/N: an extra long chapter today cause my writing has been sucky lately and y'all deserve somethin decent  :) ~Elliot

By the time Stan had gotten back from his classes Eddie had to leave for his, He knew his professor would be pissed from him accidentally skipping his last classes but there was nothing he could do about it now. 

When Stan had gotten home he instantly went to Richie asking him if he was okay or needed anything, it made Eddie confused, Stan was acting as if Richie had just been shot. The raven headed man quickly cut him off with a quick 'Yes Stanny i'm fine and no i don't need anything.' Eddie decided to drop it as he had to leave for his class. 

After throwing a quick goodbye in the direction of the two and receiving a kiss blown to him by Richie, Eddie quickly left out Richie's apartment door. He hadn't been home for a while so he decided to go there and shower and change before class, that way he could also decide what he was going to wear to his and Richie's date that night.


Stan watched Eddie leave before turning back towards Richie. 

"You sure everything is alright?" Richie sighed and looked at Stan, ruffling up his neat curls for a second. 

"Yes Stan, everything is good. Me and Eddie had a great time hanging out...you know, you don't have to check up on me every time you get home." Richie sighed exasperated, he appreciated that Stan cared but it sometimes got too much. 

"I just worry Rich, it was only a month ago, you didn't even give yourself any time to recover." Stan also sighed, draping his coat over the back of the couch and putting his hand on his hip. Richie turned away from Stan and walked out of the living room and onto the balcony, the cold air hit him immediately as he sat down on the concrete floor and rested his head on the bars of the balcony. 

Stan followed him out, grabbing a throw from the couch on his way, he sat down next to Richie and threw the blanket over the two of them. 

"You can't recover from something you'v been dealing with your whole life." 

Richie sounded lost, Stan didn't know what to do, he feared that speaking would push Richie further into his low state, he knew Richie needed silence when he was like this. 

Stan put his hand on Richie's shoulder and squeezed slightly in reassurance, he then felt his phone buzz in his pocket, he decided Richie was alright enough to not try and jump off the balcony so he got up, wrapping the blanket around the raven headed man tighter and leaving into the kitchen. 

When he got inside he made sure he could still see the balcony in his line of vision as he pulled his phone from his pocket to see he had a text from a random number. 

'Hey, it's Bill.'

'Bill? sorry i think you have the wrong number, i don't know any Bill's.'

Stan furrowed his eyebrows and passed it off as the person being given the wrong number. He was about to start making some tea for Richie, one Richie's dad always used to make him but he felt another buzz come from his phone. He looked to see the number had texted back. 

'So you're not Stanley?' 

Stan furrowed his eyebrows once again, he hadn't remembered giving his number out, in fact, he hadn't talked to anyone outside of the apartment in the last week. 

'yeah this is Stan, how did you get this number?'

The person, Bill apparently, was seemingly waiting for Stan's response since the three dots of a reply showed up immediately after Stan had sent his text. 

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