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Maybe it was the fact that he hadn't slept last night, maybe it was the fact that he hadn't slept properly for the past week, but he was groggy. and he knew it. that's why he chose today, despite it being a Wednesday, to throw one of his infamous parties. he didn't particularly like the idea of music blasting out the headache he was sporting, or the smell of sweaty bodies mingling together but any distraction to him was a good distraction.

Richie didn't exactly know what he needed a distraction from. The tight knotting in his chest was refusing to loosen, making him feel sick and dizzy. he decided that if he was going to feel that way, it would be on his own terms. Bev owns a bar just down the street, the drinks she supplied were always a perfect blend between bitter and sweet, thinned and thick. that also being one of the reasons Richie's parties gained so much traction.

changing out of his grey shirt and sweatpants, his pajamas- although they never really had any use for the boys jagged sleeping schedule anyway- Richie threw on a basic shirt, a pair of skinny jeans and his red and black flannel over the top. The outfit perfectly demonstrated his lanky figure and pale skin, nipped with freckles under the eyes, faded ones at that. Only ever coming out in the sun.

Richie's unruly hair was a different story. the raven curls always seemed to stick in erratic strands. certain pieces of his hair would curl around his small ears, almost covering them whole, and overall the birds nest of black hair came to rest just underneath his jawline. Richie had stopped trying to tame his curls by 15 when he finally realized how much of a lost cause it was.

slipping on his black patent docs, cuffing his jeans, Richie stood straight glancing out his living room window. the air was cold and thick and he should probably bring a coat but his better judgement slipped away from him, deciding against the extra layer.

The air cut through him like a knife. The cold twisted its way inside his veins, sending chills throughout his entire body. The wind whistled through his ears and forcefully pushed his hair back, illuminating his face in tones of blotchy redness. his fingers trembled at his sides, losing their feeling as the cold and prodded at the tips. Richie thought the weather was bad but he hadn't anticipated this. cursing at himself under his breath, he pulled his flannel further around his body only letting it fall loose to open the door of Beverly's bar.

"What's up trashmouth" The inside of the bar was warm, causing his body to shift in sudden contrast "I see you fixed the heating..." Richie mustered a smile for his friend behind the bar. Beverly sighed "yeah" she looked up matching his smile "actually Ben did it"

"And where is short-stack? I heard he's finally got a promotion. i wonder how he managed to do that?" Bev smiled, even chuckling. "Maybe his new boss actually gave him some action, what about you? still sleep with the drawstring tied?" She continued the light banter until some customers arrived. Richie watched quietly. He watched as she experly moved throughout the bar, each movement matching the music playing in the background

Beverly was smiling and Richie felt warm. it was the type of warm when you feel light on your feet and anxiety was just a word people used to describe, not to deteriorate. Richie was happy and in his element around the red head, her bubbly personality bounced off his erratic one perfectly. They had always been the best of friends. Beverly finished serving up the people she needed to serve and strode back up to Richie just as Bon Jovi faded out into Soft cell. "anyhow, what's buggin' ya Rich?"

" my dearest Beverly, i need three cartons of our finest and strongest alcohol." Richie finished off with an innocent smile directed at the girl he had to look down upon, him being taller. "gee Rich, why don't you just take the whole bar with you?" Beverly snickered, wearing an exasperated look upon her porcelain face. "you can have two for free but if you want the third its gonna cost ya." the girl stated, a fierce look in her eyes. "what do i owe ya, Ringwald?" Richie was still smirking but deep down, his stomach flipped at the thought of owing any debt to anyone. he hated that. "well, this place just dropped a worker since they moved away," Bev glanced around the place as if she was observing her options. " how about this, you work here for a bit and i get to attend this party you're throwing."

Richie didn't really want Bev to watch as he attempted to pick someone up at the party and he didn't really want to work in such close corners with other people either. but his infamous parties wouldn't be famous without their flare of actually good alcohol. Richie let his smile vaguely drop, it still held a hint of acceptance towards her offer though.

Richie felt the knot tighten further in his chest. He needed this party to happen and he needed this alcohol. "Fine Bev, party starts tonight at 7."

"I'll be there. Now come with me, i'm gonna introduce you to the other workers and show you what i want you to do."



Beverly had sent Richie home with the cartons of alcohol, getting Ben to help him carry them to the apartment, after she introduced Richie to everything. no words were exchanged between the two boys as the walked to the apartment complex, it being only a 15 minute walk. Richie had a lot he wanted to ask Ben but decided against asking anything since Ben was ashy boy and would only properly talk to you if he were the one to start the conversation. Richie thought he should wait till later when Ben was tipsy since Bev was definitely going to drag Ben along to the party.

"well, here we are." Richie announced, plopping the carton of alcohol down next to the door, motioning for Ben to do the same, as he pulled his keys out.

"see you later Rich."

"later short stack"

tonight was going to be fun. He hoped anyway.

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