Broken Hearts

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Alexander walked me out to the carriage, my dad was sitting in it, but he quickly got out when he saw the state I was in. 

"Y/n what happened!?" He asked running up to me. 

"I don't know, but it resulted in Thomas throwing a wine glass at her," Alexander responded. My dad sighed and took me into his arms. 

"Thank you Alexander," My dad said. 

"No problem sir," He said as he walked away. I cried the whole way home. I quickly ran up the stairs to my bed, I quickly changed into a nightgown and fell asleep. 

~Thomas's POV~ 

It was about 2:23 in the morning when I awoke to a knock at my door. I had a throbbing headache, most likely due to the fact I had two more bottles of wine after I got home. I got up and flung open the front door to reveal Alexander Hamilton. 

"Hamilton," I hissed. He pushed himself in. He was in the same clothes he had been wearing hours earlier. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Hamilton pushed me against the door. He may be small, but he was stronger than I thought. 

"Listen here Jeffershit, I don't know what causes you to throw a wine glass at Y/n, but I know she loves you. I saw the way she looked at you during the cabinet battle. She likes you Jefferson! I get she is younger than, but wasn't your first wife like 20 years older than you?" Hamilton asked. (A/n I know Thomas's wife wasn't 20 years older than him, but George Washington didn't have a biological daughter either, this story isn't going to be completely historically accurate.)

"Don't mention Martha," I hissed. 

"Why not? If you have the right to bring up my late mother I can bring up your dead wife," Hamilton said. 

"CAUSE SHE DIED ON OUR WEDDING NIGHT ALEXANDER!" I yelled. That's when the tears started to fall. Hamilton let go of me, causing me to fall to the floor. 

"I'll make you some tea so you can calm down and then we can chat, but that doesn't mean I respect you in any way," He said. 

~Like 7 minute time skip~ 

Alexander and I were sipping tea on my couch. 

"Want to talk about your wife?" He asked. I sighed. 

"Only if you tell me about your mother afterwards," I said. Hamilton nodded.

"It was the night of our wedding. I was 19, she was 39. Even though she could no longer have children, I loved her. But that night someone broke into my house and Martha was shot trying to protect me. I could of saved her, I was just to slow to load the damn pistol!" I cried. Hamilton looked at. 

"Why did you throw the wine glass at Y/n?" He asked. 

"That is none of your business," I hissed. 

"Jefferson I have known Y/n since she was 5, I babysat her after her mother died. I have every right to know, she is like a daughter to me," He said. 

"Not until you tell me how your mother died and why she didn't marry your father," I said. 

"My mother was married before she met my father and one of the grounds of her divorce was she couldn't re-marry, but when she met my father, everything changed. He left when I was 10 and when I was 12 my mother and I got really sick, I made it and she didn't," Hamilton said. Tears were welling in his eyes, but he was good at covering his emotions. "Anyway back to my question, why did you throw a wine glass at Y/n?"

"I told her I liked her yesterday morning. She was afraid it would ruin her family name, I got mad and then I got drunk and when she came to later I got mad," I confessed. Fuck I'm spilling my secrets to Hamilton. God really is dead. 

"Thomas did you hear a word Y/n said to you when she walked into your office in the afternoon?" He asked. I shook my head. 

"She said she liked you also," He said. I looked up at him, my eyes must of lit up. 

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yes Thomas," Hamilton said, getting up to leave "I recommend you write a damn good apology letter." And with that he was gone. I quickly ran upstairs and lit a candle. I began to write the most beautiful thing I have ever written, more beautiful then The Declaration of Independence. 

A/n thank you to @Potato221B for reading!

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