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A/n apparently y'all are as thirsty as me for Daveed, at least that's what I'm gathering form last chapter, so here is another pure picture of him.

"How the fuck did people find out I'm pregnant!" I yelled. I'm wasn't angry, I was furious. 

"Kitten I don't know, but we should probably pack up and head back to New York. I really didn't want your dad and Alexander to find out in the newspaper," Thomas said, getting dressed. I began to read the actual. 

"The damn doctor leaked it for money!" I yelled, or at least that's what the article said. 

"Oh shit that sucks," Thomas said. Once we had all our stuff packed we got in a carriage and began our trip to New York. 

~One day time skip~ 

We pulled up to the office the next day. We had gotten little sleep and it was fun having to pull the carriage over to the side of the road so I could throw up due to morning sickness. Thomas helped me out of the carriage and we walked into the office. We ran into my dad's office to see him, Alexander and Lafayette talking. 

"Y/n!" Alexander exclaimed, running to hug me, "my god it's so good to see you!" 

"It's good to see you too Alexander," I said. 

"Y/n is it true that you're pregnant?" My father asked. I felt myself hyperventilating again. What if like this relationship when it first started he didn't approve of this baby? Thomas could sense my anxiety, putting his hand on the small of my back to calm me down. 

"Yes George, Y/n's a little over a month pregnant," Thomas said. My dad sat back down in his chair and started crying, Alexander started screaming inhumanely and Lafayette's jaw just dropped. It was an interesting sight to say the least. 

"Oh god so now I have to deal with another Jeffershit?" Alexander exclaimed. 

"Alexander that's my child your talking about," Thomas hissed. 

"Y/n promise me this child will have your logic and opinions instead of his," Alexander said, causing me to laugh. 

"Dad are you okay?" I asked. 

"I-It's just, you've grown up so much Y/n. I'm so excited to be a grandfather," he said. I got up an pulled him into a hug. 

"Thomas promise me you won't abandon this child," my dad said. 

"I promise sir," Thomas said, "I'll look after Y/n and this child with my life." Lafayette was still at a loss for words. 

"Lafayette are you okay?" Alexander asked. 

"I-I'm just how you say, speechless. I never imagined Thomas as a father," Lafayette said, causing us all to laugh. 

"This is the best news I've heard in a while, but that damn doctor decided to leak it," Alexander snarled. 

"I know, I'm still pissed," I said, sitting down. 

"So Y/n are you excited to be a mother?" Lafayette asked. 

"Yeah of course," I said, grabbing Thomas's hand. 

"So has Y/n's mother been arrested yet?" Thomas asked. My dad and Alexander exchanged a look. 

"What does that look mean?" I asked. 

"She fled," My dad said. 

"What do you mean she fled? Fled to where?!" Thomas yelled, slamming his fists against the table. 

"Tommy calm down," I said. 

"Calm down? CALM DOWN! I'll calm down when you're mother is charged with what she did to you. That bitch!" Thomas screamed. 

"We went to go arrest her and she just wasn't in her house. She's fled New York City limits and possibly the state," My dad said. Thomas poured himself a glass of scotch and sat back down, mumbling "Jesus Christ". 

"Tommy it's okay, calm down," I repeated. 

"It's just, this woman has ruined your life and I want her to get what she deserves, which is the full extent of the law," Thomas said. Alexander poured three more glasses of scotch. He gave one to my dad, one to Lafayette and kept one for himself. He didn't give one to me cause ya know, I'm pregnant and I can't drink. 

"A toast, to Y/n and her future child," Alexander said, raising his glass. 

"To Y/n and her baby," everyone said, clinking their glasses and drinking. 

"I am so proud of you, this child is gonna be like a grandchild to me," Alexander whispered for only me to here as everyone else finished their drinks. I smiled and whispered back, "thank you Alexander." 

"Thomas I expect you back to work on Monday, for now take Y/n home and let her rest. She's had a stressful couple of days," my dad said. 

"Yes sir," Thomas said, grabbing my hand and escorting me back to the carriage. Once we got to the carriage, Thomas wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a tight kiss. 

"I love you so much," he said. 

"I love you too," I replied. He helped me into the carriage and we began our way to Thomas's New York house. 

Once we got there, Thomas quickly unlocked the door and sat down on the couch. I looked at the welcome matt to see  a letter addressed to us. 

"Tommy did you see this?" I asked, walking in the house and closing the door. 

"No," he said getting back up, "open it." The letter had no return address, so that was kinda weird. I opened it. 

If it's a girl, consider naming her Martha after your dear mother. You can try to arrest me, but I'm always one step ahead. 

---Martha Washington

"Jesus Christ we can't catch a break," Thomas said sitting back down. I sat down next to him. He wrapped his arm around you shoulder. God I love him. 

A/n I hope y'all enjoyed this part. This book is getting a little long, but I like kinda don't wanna let it got, so I've been thinking of writing a squeal. Don't worry this isn't over yet, but can I get a show of comments of how many of y'all would read a squeal? Anyway for this Gaga update we remember these iconic shoes. How she's able to walk, I don't know. Also I would love to see Gaga's shoe closet, that would be fun as hell.

 Also I would love to see Gaga's shoe closet, that would be fun as hell

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