A Talk with Dad

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As we got home, I quickly changed into an emerald green dress. I took off my makeup and threw my hair in a quick messy bun before returning to the parlor where my dad and Alexander sat. My dad motioned for me to sit on the couch across from him. 

"Y/n I am fairly disappointed in you," he began "I told you to be home by 9 o'clock and you disobeyed me!" 

"I'm sorry dad," I mumbled. 

"Damn right you should be sorry!" My dad yelled. He slammed his fist on the coffee table in front of him. 

"George calm down, why are you so mad at Y/n for falling asleep?" Alexander asked. 

"Hamilton you don't know what this is like your daughter is only seven," my dad said through gritted teeth.  

"Oh you don't think I know what it's like to want to protect my children?" Hamilton asked. He was clearly getting mad. 

"Hamilton that's not what I said," my dad began. 

"No, but that's what you implied. George I would move Heaven and Earth for my children, you should know this by now. I dropped everything when I heard Eliza was in labor with James and I was in the middle of a meeting with you. What else do I drop my work for George?" Hamilton asked. My dad looked at the floor ashamed of the fact he just got scolded by Hamilton.

"Look Y/n I just want to protect you," My dad said. 

"Protect me! I barely saw you for 5 years while you were general, Hamilton looked after me and he was working for you Dad! Since mom died you have had the strength to fight off British troops, but you haven't had the strength to look your own daughter in the eye," I began. 

"Y/n," My dad scolded. 

"No dad let me finish. You always tell me the proudest moment of your life was protecting your country, but you couldn't even protect my mother from pneumonia!  So dad are you going to protect me like you protected our country or protect me like you protected my mother!" I screamed, and with that I ran out the door. 

I really had no clue where I was going. I found myself running downtown until I finally sat down on a bench in the park. I started crying. My father hates me, the man I love thinks if he looks at me his balls will be turned into soup and the man who is more like a father to me than my biological father is probably trying to convince my dad to convince Thomas his debt plan was good. In my opinion I love Alex's debt plan, but it's not my opinion he has to win over. 

"Excuse me miss are you alright?" A voice asked. I looked up to see a man about my age. He sat down next to me. "Are you ok miss?" 

"I'm fine thank you," I said. He held out his hand for me to shake. I took it. 

"I'm Finley Wolf. And who might you be?" He asked. 

"I'm Y/n, Y/n Washington," I said. He quickly stood up. 

"Uhhh Ms. Washington I am so sorry I wouldn't of bothered you if I knew the beautiful angel in front of me was the presidents daughter!" He exclaimed. 

"Mr. Wolf it's alright and do you flirt with every woman you meet?" I asked him. 

"No, but I flirt with women who are beautiful, so you," He said. 

"I'm sorry Mr. Wolf, but I'm courting someone," I said. Wait. I wasn't courting Thomas. Well not officially. 

"Really cause the add your dad put out a few weeks ago said you were single," Finley said. 

"The WHAT!" I yelled. Finley's face turned pale. 

"You didn't know?" He asked. I shook my head. "Your dad put out an add about 2 weeks ago said you were looking for a suitor." I am about to murder my father. 

"No I didn't know, but it looks like I have found someone," I said, beginning to walk away. That's when he grabbed my wrist. 

"Who's the lucky man?" He asked, squeezing my wrist tighter. 

"None of your business," I snarled "now please let me go." 

"With all do respect Ms. Washington if you told me who you were courting I could tell the press and I would make so much money. You think I'm just going to let my cash cow walk away?" He asked. He squeezed my wrist even harder. 

"Please let me go you're hurting me!" I squealed. 

"Well Ms. Washington here is what I am going to do. Ya see I am going to take you down to Georgia and auction you off as a bride to the highest bidder," He snarled. 

"Please just let me go!" I screamed. 

"Or I could just take you home to Delaware and make you mine," He said. I felt myself crying harder. "Aw don't cry love, our life together will be beautiful." 

That's when Finley fell to his knees. I looked up to see Thomas. 

"Get your fucking hands off of her!" He yelled. 

"Secretary Jefferson I-" Thomas cut him off "Look I don't know who you are, but you have no right to talk or treat Y/n like that and if I see her with you again you will be a goner do I make myself clear?" Finley stayed quite as Thomas pressed him up against a tree. 

"DO I MAKE MYSELF FUCKING CLEAR!" He screamed again. 

"Yes sir!" Finley squealed. Thomas dropped him before punching his square in the jaw and nose, which caused his nose to bleed. Finley started running and Thomas fell to his knees next to me. 

"Oh my sweet Y/n, let's go home and I'll make you some tea."

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