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~Two days later, Alexander's POV~

I walked up the stairs to George's front porch, trying not to slip on the ice. I knocked on the door, Alice answering it. 

"Mr. Hamilton, come in you're freezing," She said. She ushered me in and took my winter coat. "Have you heard from Ms. Washington?" 

"No I haven't, but I sent her a letter a couple days ago so I am waiting on a response," I said. Alice nodded and lead me up to George's office. I slowly opened the door. He was writing a letter to someone. I slowly sat down. 

"Alexander! It's great to see you!" George exclaimed, "ya know I was just writing to Finley saying this whole thing will eventually blow over." 

"Yeah I actually came here to talk to you about Finley," I said. George sighed. 

"What about him? Alex what you don't you understand he's a good guy?" He asked. 

"Just let me plead my case. Look Finley is broke, his house is currently in foreclosure. He could just be trying to marry into a rich family." 

"Actually Finley already exclaimed that to me, he is just trying to pay for his tuition to Kings College," George said as he leaned back in his chair. 

"Yeah I looked into that. There is no record of a Finley Wolf attending Kings College." George's eyebrows raised. 

"Also he has 3 rape charges against him here in the state of New York, but they were all dropped after mysteriously large amounts of money were given to my victim by a Brian Coyote. And in Maryland Brian Coyote has 2 rape and 4 burglary charges against him, but they were all dropped after the victims were given mysteriously large amounts of money by a Finley Wolf, and I found a police sketch of Brain Coyote yesterday from one of the rape charges and it looks exactly like Finley!" I exclaimed. I pulled the police sketch out of my folder along with some newspaper articles. George scanned them over, looked shocked as he read one of the articles. 

"This could just be one hell of a misunderstanding," George said. 

"Well that's not all," I began, "When Finley was 14 his dad was hanged for murder, but there was a 3rd victim who survived. She said that a 14 year old boy and his father stabbed her 18 times in the chest before leaving her for dead. The only child Finley's dad had was Finley." George looked shocked at that revelation.  

"So you're telling me the man I want to marry my daughter is a possible murderer and most likely a rapist?" George asked. 

"Yes sir." George sighed and looked back at the newspapers. He looked so distraught. He quickly ripped the letter that he writing to Finley up. 

"Thank you Alexander. I should of listened to you and Y/n. I'll do some more digging myself, but from what I'm seeing this dude seems awful. If these articles and court records are true we are going to send this son of a bitch to prison!" George exclaimed. He was clearly pissed. 

"Here sir, you can keep all my research," I said as I handed him the folder, I began to walk out, but before I could I said, "I recommend you write to Y/n." 

~George's POV~ 

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. I'm an idiot and a horrible father. I should of listened to my daughter, she clearly had marks on her arms, he clearly grabbed her and hard. Look I'm still not wild about her and Thomas cause I don't want people thinking he is using Y/n, my one and only child for political gain. But I know that's not the case. Thomas would never do something like that. He generally cares for Y/n, more than I probably have. Look I do love and care for Y/n, but a lot of the time it doesn't seem like that. I just want her to be happy. I grabbed a piece of paper and dipped my quill into the inkwell and began to write. 

Dearest Y/n, 

Look, I know you are pissed at me, and honestly you have the right to. Alexander came over today and showed me his evidence that Finley is an awful person, and I believe him. I am going to make sure Finley gets arrested and put in jail. I'm sorry I didn't believe you and I'm sorry I have been so distant your whole life, but that ends now. The only people who can know about our plans to get Finley arrested are you, me, Alexander and Thomas. I also did some thinking about you and Thomas and I wanted to say, I am starting to warm up to your relationship. He cares for you, I just don't want you to be bullied cause people think he is using your for political gain, but I know Thomas would never do that. What I'm trying to say Y/n is that I love you and I am sorry. 


--George Washington. 

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