The Morning After

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A/n the video has nothing to do with this chapter I just thought it's a damn good cover of Hellfire from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. 

~Y/n's POV~

I woke up in nothing but one of Thomas's shirt and not my regular night gown. I'm sure you can figure out out how I got in it. I rolled over to see Thomas shirtless. 

"Morning Tommy," I said causing him to awake. 

"Morning Kitten," He said, rubbing his eyes. Next week Thomas and I were departing for France for our honeymoon. 

"Do you want me to make pancakes?" Thomas asked getting up and going behind the changing screen. 

"You could of stayed in bed with me, but yes please," I said. I heard Thomas laugh. He came back and kissed my forehead, "luckily today is a Saturday so we can be in bed all we want, but I'm hungry." I snickered and he walked downstairs. I got up and got dressed, joining him in the kitchen. The pancakes were plated and Thomas was putting fresh strawberries on the pancakes. 

"Tommy that looks delicious," I said. 

"Not as delicious as you," He said biting his lip. 

"My god I forgot how much of a flirt you were," I said grabbing my plate and walking over to the dinning room. 

"HEY!" Thomas yelled, grabbing his plate and running after me. We sat in the dinning room and began eating. 

"I still can't believe we're married," Thomas said. 

"I can't either, I love you so much Tommy." 

"I love you too," He said. When we were done with breakfast we took our plates to the kitchen, but were interrupted by a knock at the door. 

"I bet it's Eliza with a wedding gift, she said it was coming from England and she was upset it hadn't gotten here yet," I said. Thomas nodded and opened to front door to reveal... my mother. 

"Martha what the hell do you want?" Thomas barked. 

"Thomas now now that is no way to talk to your mother in-law," my mother said. 

The closest thing I have to a mother in-law is Alexander Hamilton," Thomas snarled, causing me to laugh. 

"Look I respected your boundaries by not going to your wedding, well mostly because I didn't know when it was and I found out you two were married in this mornings paper, but I have a present for you," she said. She handed me a basket with a blanket covering what was inside. Thomas shut the door on her face. I set the basket down on the kitchen counter. 

"Dare we open it?" I asked. 

"Sure, but if it looks remotely dangerous I'm throwing it out the window no questions asked," Thomas replied. I nodded and took the blanket off revealing...a rose plant in a bucket. 

"She's probably hoping I prick my finger on one of the thorns and bleed out," Thomas said. 

"Thomas you know that's not true, it's a beautiful plant," I said, taking the plant out of the basket, then to door burst open. 


"Alex you almost gave me a heart attack," Thomas exclaimed. 

"That's because you're old," Alex said, "Now Y/n did Martha come?" 

"She came and gave us this rose plant," I said holding it out. 

"Y/n stand up for me! Alex called me old!" Thomas exclaimed. 

"Thomas everything isn't about you," Alexander said, "now are we sure the plant isn't like laced in poison or something?" 

"I'm sure Alex, but thank you for coming to check on us," I said. 

"Alright, I'm glad you two are safe. Oh and Thomas remember if you hurt Y/n I will not hesitate to make your dick into soup," Alexander said. 

"Dammit Alexander I had forgotten about that, why did you have to remind me!" Thomas exclaimed. I just giggled. Alexander left and Thomas was traumatized from the threat like he was last fall when Alexander first threatened to make his dick into a soup. God I love this man. 

A/n I hope you like this update, I know it's short, but I needed this filler chapter. For this Gaga update, it's actually not about Gaga, I just wanted to share this Freddie Mercury quote with you. Also the second chapter of my King George x Reader is out if you wanna check that out. Also because I've gotten so many request I think I'm going to update my Davoak book I haven't worked on in almost a year. I'm just so bored in quarantine that writing Hamilton fanfiction is my only escape. Also I'm going to begin working on my Rafeed book sometime this week so be on the look out for that. 


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