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~WARNING! This chapter will contain mentions of domestic abuse and descriptions of murder and attempted murder, if that makes you uncomfortable I recommend not reading this chapter.

~Also stay til the end for some important questions I have to ask y'all~ 

~Also how the fuck does this story now have 77k reads! I can't believe this, thank you thank you thank you!~

"HELP! HELP!" A voice screamed from behind us. We turned around to see Susan Reynolds, covered in blood.

"Susan what's wrong?" I asked.

"Daddy had a knife and he attacked mommy. She's not breathing." 

"WHAT!" I exclaimed as I began a mad dash to her house, Thomas following behind me "Y/n wait!" I completely ignored him, throwing open the front door to the Reynolds's house.

"MARIA!" I yelled. Susan came in behind me "she's in the parlor. Help her, please!" I ran into the parlor to see Maria, lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood, a knife in her chest. 

"MARIA!" I screamed, running to her side. Susan was wrong, she was breathing, but not very much. Both Maria's hands were wrapped around the knife handle. 

"Don't pull the knife out, Thomas is going to get a doctor," I said. I grabbed one of her hands and clutched it in mine, my hand quickly becoming covered in blood. Thomas ran into the room, Susan on his tail. 

"Susan you don't need to see this-" 

"MOMMY!" She screamed. Maria opened her mouth to speak, but all that came out was a series of whimpers. 

"Let me see if I can carry Maria, we may be able to get her to a doctor," Thomas said. 

"NO!" Maria screamed. I looked at her confused, "let me die here. He'll hurt me again if I live and Susan shouldn't have to watch get murdered twice." 

"Shhh Maria save your strength and stay alive," I whispered as I squeezed her hand. 

"MOMMY!" Susan screamed again, tears streaming down her face. 

"Y/n you carry Susan, I'll carry Maria. The doctor's office is five blocks away, if we run we may be able to save her," Thomas said. I nodded and scooped up Susan who was kicking and screaming. Thomas picked Maria and began sprinting as fast as he could, I followed behind him, having a hard time running in the three inch heels I was wearing and with a kicking and screaming child in my arms. We ran down the street, multiple people staring at us. 

"Maria Reynolds has been stabbed! I'm taking her to the doctor! Look out for James Reynolds, he is armed and dangerous!" I yelled as I ran down the streets so people didn't Thomas was a murder. We ran into the doctors office, Thomas handing Maria to a doctor. Thomas then collapsed in a chair, panting. He was covered in blood. I placed Susan down. 

"You good Tommy?" I asked sitting next to him. 

"I'm as good as one can be after sprinting with a half dead woman in their arms. How are you?" He panted. I grabbed his hand. 

"It's okay Thomas. We've done everything we could, it's time for the doctors to work their magic." Thomas stood up in anger, Maria's blood flowing down his shirt. 

"It's not fair! Why and how do good people get stuck with abusers!" Thomas yelled. 

"Because the world is cruel and unfair," A voice said. I looked up to see Alexander. 

"Alexander!" I exclaimed, "how did you hear of what happened?" 

"The gossip in New York City is insidious, word travels fast. Is she okay? Any word?" Alexander looked like a wreck, that bags under his eyes were more like luggage and it looked like he hadn't been eating due to stress. 

(A/n guys if you are stressed or depressed make sure you eat, even if you don't feel like it. I use to get really anxious and it caused me to loose my appetite and I lost way to much weight and I had a iron deficiency for a year. Don't worry though I got all my weight and iron back. Make sure you eat even if you don't feel like it, even half a yogurt or banana will help you.)

"Alexander have you been eating?" I asked. 

"Y/n you don't need to worry about that. Is Maria okay?!" 

"We don't know. She didn't look so good when we found her," Thomas said. Alexander sat down and ran his fingers through his hair, "this is all my fault! I ruined the Reynolds name and James thought the only way to get it out was to stab her! How could I have been so selfish!" 

"Mr. Hamilton!" Susan yelled, jumping into his arms. Alexander smiled and let her sit in his lap, "are the doctors going to fix mommy?" 

"They're going to do everything they can," Alexander said. This was going to be a long night. 

~A/n I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I would like to thank @FandomLyrics @DeathandDevils @The-Suicidal-Lizard @ADHDgarbage and @Potato221B for reading! Thank you for all the support and love!

Update on my question from last week on my Japanese vs Korean debate. I have decided to learn Japanese and then learn Korean. I'm still learning Hiragana and Katakana since they are the bases for the Japanese language, but they are very hard. I can say my first sentence though! これはペンです which is pronounced kore wa pendesu which means this is a pen. Sorry for geeking out about this, language is something I'm passionate about so I hope you didn't mind this geek out session. 

Another weird question. I've been thinking about doing a face reveal, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with doing one. If enough of you guys wanted one I may be able to convince myself to do it, but I'd only leave the chapter up for 24 to 48 hours, so do you guys want one?

For this Gaga Update we remember this iconic look.

For this Gaga Update we remember this iconic look

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