Why is she on your Couch?

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I woke up in, well a place that wasn't my bed. I looked to my right only to see the couch I was laying on. I looked to my left only to see a bookcase, that when I heard two voices. 

"Thomas why the Hell is Y/n on your couch?" A voice hissed. I quickly recognized it as the voice of my father. 

"George I already told you, Y/n feel asleep so I took the liberty of letting her sleep on the couch," Thomas said. I looked up. My dad did not look happy and Thomas's face was flushed. 

"Why didn't you wake her up and send her home?" My dad asked sharply. His words cutting like knives into Thomas. 

"I'm sorry sir, I wanted her to get a good nights sleep," Thomas said, looking down. His face was bright pink and I couldn't tell if it was out of pure rage or embarrassment. 

"Don't sir me Thomas, if you have any intention of courting my daughter then heed my words. Every time you take her out on a date she will be home by 9 o'clock and if she is home a second later you will be in deep shit. If you try to convince her to do something she doesn't want to do every single box of macaroni and cheese will be smashed into oblivion. And if you hurt her in any way physically, emotionally, mentally or sexually I will beat you up so fast your precious purple silk coat from France will be red with your own damn blood. And Thomas if you aren't willing to listen to me, Hamilton will be on you so fast you'll be dead before you can even kiss his ass-" 

"Dad stop!" I interrupted. Both men looked around. 

"Y/n you're awake!" Thomas exclaimed, "Would you like me to cook breakfast?" 

"She won't be having breakfast here Thomas, Y/n I told you to be home by 9. I was worried sick about you," My father scolded. I looked down at the floor. 

"I'm sorry dad, I didn't plan on falling asleep. Thomas when did I fall asleep?" I asked him. 

"When we were looking at the stars," Thomas said. 

"Where were you looking at the stars?" My father asked. 

"On my roof," Thomas said. 

"On the roof Thomas! Y/n could of fallen off and gotten hurt or worse!" My dad practically screamed in Thomas's face. 

"Dad enough!" I yelled. Both men looked at me again. 

"Y/n I just don't want you to get hurt," My dad said. 

"I promise I won't her George," Thomas said. Then of course to make things worse Hamilton had to burst through the door. 

"Thomas I swear on the virgin mother Mary if you hurt Y/n your dick and balls will be cut off and  made into a soup which will be served to my children, my wife, and her sisters!" Hamilton screamed. He pushed Thomas up against the wall. My dad and I looked at each other before looking at Hamilton. 

"Alexander Hamilton what the actual living fuck!" Thomas exclaimed.

"Alexander did you have to much coffee again?" My dad asked.

"Maybe a little to much," Hamilton said, letting Thomas go. 

"I promise both of you I did not and I have no intent on hurting the lovely and sweet Y/n," Thomas said walking up to me and kissing my hand, "now Y/n I recommend you go with your father now. I'll see you tomorrow at work." I slowly walked out the door with my father and Hamilton. We got into the carriage, my father growling "we are going to go home and you will get dressed in clean clothes. Then Hamilton and I need to have a talk with you."

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