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~Here is Daveed, naked covered in bacon. You're welcome~

I sat next to Alexander while he cried for a solid hour. 

"Why are you even here Y/n? You don't deserve to hear me out. I'm a horrible human being," he sobbed. 

"Alexander you made literally the worst decision you could of, but you've been there for me when I made bad decisions so I have to be here for you," I said. 

"But my mistake is more stupid then yours!" He cried. I just sat there as he sobbed. 

"Alexander, I think you need some alone time right now, I think I should head home." 

"No Y/n please, I can't do this alone," he sobbed. He grabbed my hand. 

"Alexander if you couldn't go through this alone why'd you cheat on your wife?" I snarled. I was starting to get angry at him. His eyes widened. 

"Y/n I'm sorry-" 

"Damn right you should be sorry! How could you do that to Eliza and your children Alexander!?" I yelled at him. 

"I'm a fucking idiot," he sighed. 

"Look just, maybe spend some time with your kids for the next few days okay. They need to know their father still loves them," I said. 

"Thanks for the advice," he said. He got up and started rearranging papers he had pushed off his desk. 

"I'll see you later Alexander." 

"You too Y/n." 

I walked downstairs to see Philip talking to his younger sister Angelica or Angie for short. 

"What'd the bitch have to say for himself?" Philip snarled. 

"He feels like an idiot," I said. 

"He should of realized that before he cheated on our mother," Angie said.  

"I know. You guys need some alone time as a family so I'm going to head out and let you be," I said. Philip and Angie nodded as I left. 

I walked inside to see Thomas feeding baby Rose. 

"Hey!" he exclaimed, "dinners almost ready." I smiled. 

"Where are the boys?" 

"They're upstairs playing with each other," Thomas said. He handed me Rose as he went to put the macaroni and cheese on plates. 

"How's Alexander?" Thomas asked. 

"An absolute wreck," I sighed, "we will talk more about this later. George and Alexander dinner is ready!" I watched the two run down the stairs. They sat and the dinning room and waited for there food. We ate mostly in silence. 

"Mommy where did you go today?" George asked. 

"I went to see Alexander," I said. He nodded and we continued to eat. Thomas and I put all the kids to bed and then we talked in the living room. 

"How much of a wreck was Alexander?" Thomas asked. 

"He was an absolute mess. He was throwing papers everywhere and was sobbing. Eliza also was pissed at me cause she thought I was on Alexander's side." 

"Well aren't you?" 

"I mean, not really. He made a massive mistake. I wonder what caused him to write that dumb pamphlet?" I asked. I was the color drain from Thomas's face. 

"What if I were to tell you it was me," he said. 

"WHAT!" I exclaimed. 

"Keep it down," he whispered. 

"You have a lot of explaining to do," I snarled. 

"Burr, Madison and I may have confronted him about if he was embezzling money and it he told he was just having an affair," Thomas said. 

"Why on Gods green earth did you do that Thomas?!" 

"We thought he was embezzling money Y/n! If he was I couldn't just let that slide!" 

"You have ruined his life!" 

"Why are you standing up for him, he cheated on his wife! If I cheated on you how would you feel if Alexander stood up for me?" 

"Oh so now you plan on cheating on me?" 

"That was a poor choice of words, I'm just saying you shouldn't stand up for him." 

"I'm not standing up for him! I just talked to him Thomas! You seem jealous of the relationship I have with Alexander." 

"I'm not jealous Y/n. You're reading to much into things." 

"Thomas you literally said 'If I cheated on you' I am not reading to much into things." 

"Y/n I said I'm sorry for saying that." 

"No you didn't! You said 'poor choice of words' that does not mean I'm sorry!" 

"Y/n you are going to wake up the children." 

"Stop saying my name like it's going to help." 

"Y/n why are you irritated?" 

"Because you ruined a career Alexander has had to work so hard for! Unlike you he didn't get things handed to him." 

"I didn't get anything handed to me." 

"You come from a rich family in Virginia! Alexander came from a poor family in the Caribbean."

"Y/n please listen to yourself. You aren't hearing yourself." 

"Mommy, daddy!" A voice interrupted our fight. We looked to see Alex at the top of the stairs. 

"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked. 

"I heard you fighting and I couldn't sleep. Do you not love each other anymore?" He asked. 

"Awww honey, mommy and I love each other very much. We're just discussing adult things," Thomas said, going up the stairs and pulling Alex into his arms. 

"You sure?" 

"I'm positive. Let me tuck you back in and then mommy and I are going to bed," Thomas said. He picked up Alex and carried him to his bed. He was right, I was being a little bitchy. 

A/n I hope you enjoyed this chapter. For this Gaga update we remember this iconic look. 


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