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I woke up to Thomas's calming voice saying "we're here." I opened my eyes, to see a bright red brick house with white pillars. So this was the infamous Monticello, my home for the next month or so. Alexander would be digging up dirt Finley Wolf while I came up here for some fresh air. 

"Thomas, it's beautiful," I said with a smile. For the 23 hour carriage ride I had mostly slept since the anxiety attack Finley Wolf had caused made me exhausted, bit when I was awake Thomas and I read Romeo and Juliet. I saw a servant take my horse Winnie and take her to the stable as other servants took our stuff inside the house. 

"Y/n you are going to love it up here and you aren't going to think about your father or Finley Wolf  the whole time you're up here, do I make myself clear?" Thomas asked. I nodded, my head pressed against his chest. 

"You are so adorable Y/n," Thomas cooed. I smiled. Thomas slowly got up and helped me out of the carriage, it was almost dinner time so the sun was starting to set. Thomas took my hand in his and lead me to the dinning room. 

"Thomas, your house is beautiful," I said. Thomas smiled as he pulled out a chair for me. I sat down and he sat across the table from me. A servant brought out some smoked ham and wine and then left. We ate our dinner in mostly silence since I really didn't feel like talking. 

"Y/n do you wanna read more Romeo and Juliet before bed?" Thomas asked. I nodded. I was exhausted. Thomas looked like he was thinking about saying something, which he finally did "Look Y/n I know you're not wild about guns, but I would feel much better if I taught you how to shoot a pistol in case I'm not home and he tries to take you." He looked so upset saying those words, as if the thought of me not being his would make him burst into tears. 

"Ok Thomas, but I would also like a shooting lesson from Alexander since he actually knows the proper way to shoot a gun," I said with a laugh, "ya know it was funny, after the war ended I wanted to learn to shoot a gun in case some angry red coats tried to break in, but my dad told me that ladies shouldn't shoot guns." 

"Y/n, firstly that's bullshit a woman can shoot a gun if she wants and secondly you're breaking one of two rules I gave you. What are those rules?" Thomas asked. 

"Don't think or talk about Finley or my father," I said as servants cleared our plates. 

"That's right now lets get ready for bed." 

~Time Skiparoni brought to you by Jonathan Groff~ 

The next morning after breakfast Thomas took my out back with his pistol.  

A/N I don't know jack shit about guns and personally I don't like them that much so I don't know if what I'm writing about guns, especially guns from the 1790's is right.

"Alright Y/n this is a gun, first thing you do is load it, second thing you do is cock it and then-" I started laughing, "What?" 

"Nothing," I snickered. 

"Y/n it's called cocking the gun, I'm not actual talking about cocks," Thomas said, annoyed, but trying to cover up the fact he was laughing. "Anyway after you have cocked the gun you aim, and pull the trigger." He shot a bullet into the tree. He handed me the gun and said, "practice trying to shoot the tree." I stood where he was standing and put my finger on the trigger. I have never shot a gun before. I pulled the trigger, the bullet lodging into the ground below the tree. 

"Hey that was pretty good!" Thomas exclaimed. He came up behind me and grabbed my wrist, moving it to where I should shoot. "Now try and shoot it aiming a little higher, always aim higher than you think." I shot the gun again, shooting it way high in the tree, scarring away a flock of birds. Thomas laughed, grabbing my wrist again and moving it, "maybe that was a bit to high up." I aimed again and pulled the trigger, hitting the dead center of the tree. 

"That was perfect Y/n." 

A/n sorry that was short like me, anyway I hoped you enjoyed this update!

Thomas Jefferson's Coming Home (A Thomas Jefferson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now