Look at my Son

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~A/n the more pictures of Daveed I post, the thirstier I find out you guys are~

~Thomas's POV~

Y/n was sound asleep and I was rocking Alex back and forth in my arms. He had already fallen asleep, but when I tried to put him in his crib he woke up and started crying, and in an attempt to let my beloved Y/n sleep, I kept rocking him back and forth. He was so adorable. He was my son. Finally I had a child of my own. I had always wanted a kid, and the wait was definitely worth it. He looked a lot like his mother, but Y/n was definitely right, he had my eyes. I slowly got up again and put him in his crib. He didn't stir. I slowly crawled into bed with Y/n and fell asleep. 

I woke up at 6 am to Alex crying. I quickly picked him up and started rocking him in an attempt to keep Y/n asleep. I took him downstairs to get him some milk. He started crying louder when I tried to bring the bottle to his lips. He didn't need a diaper change. I began to rock him and slowly started to sing. 

"Dear Alexander what to say to you? You have my eyes, you have my enemies name. When you came into the world you cried and it broke my heart. I'm dedicating every day to you domestic life was never quite my style, when you smile, you knock me out, I fall apart and I thought I was so smart. You will come of age with our young nation we'll bleed and fight for you, we'll make it right for you. If we lay a strong enough foundation we'll pass it on to you, we'll give the world to you and you'll blow us all away, someday, someday." As I sang his crying slowly stopped. He reached up with his hand and wrapped it around my finger. Oh my god he is so cute. 

~Time Skip Y/n's POV~

I woke up to Thomas sitting on the edge of the bed with a plate of waffles. I slowly sat up and took the plate from him. 

"Thank you," I chocked out. He also handed me a glass of water, "did you already eat?" 

"Yeah, and so did Alex," Thomas said, rocking our son back and forth in his arms, "So how long before your dad and Alexander burst in here?" I chuckled. 

"I'm saying an hour," I said. Thomas just continued to cradle Alex in his arms. Once I was finished with breakfast I took Alex from Thomas's arms because I wanted to hold him dammit. 

"He does have my eyes," Thomas said. He really did have Thomas's chocolate eyes and his jaw line. I kissed his forehead and asked, "did I hear you singing to him at like 6 am?" 

"Yeah," Thomas admitted sheepishly, "I'm sorry I woke you up." 

"It's okay. I didn't know you could sing so well," I said. Thomas sat on the edge of the bed looking at us. He leaned down, kissed my forehead and said "I love you too so much." 

~Time Skip Again~

Two hours later there was a knock at the door while I was rocking Alex. I heard some talking and then Alexander, Thomas, Lafayette and my father walked through the door. 

"Where is the little Jeffershit!" Alexander exclaimed running over to me. 

"Alexander be quite, you'll wake him," I said. 

"So it's a boy?" My dad asked. I nodded. My dad then exclaimed, "I HAVE A GRANDSON!" 

"What's his name?" Lafayette asked as I handed Alex over to Alexander. 

"His full name is Alexander Hamilton Jefferson," I stated. Alexander's jaw dropped and looked at me with tears in his eyes. 

"H-he's named after me?" He asked, a tear streaming down his face. 

Thomas Jefferson's Coming Home (A Thomas Jefferson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now