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~A/n per @Potato221B request, I share with you my readers this picture of Daveed and Rafael. These men radiate so much pure energy it's hard to process~

"Thomas, I'm giving you til the count of free to hand me Alex before I shoot you," My mother snarled. My eyes were fixated on Thomas.




Thomas pulled out his gun, I heard two gunshots and I watched Thomas fall to the ground. 

"THOMAS!" I screamed. Then I looked over. My mother was also on the floor. Thomas had shot her as well. I ran over to Thomas to see where the bullet wound was. It was in his lower thigh. He put his hand on my cheek. 

"Y/n-n," he chocked out. 

"Tommy save your strength. Alexander we have to get him to a doctor," I managed to spit out. Alexander walked over to my mother and took her pulse. 

"She's dead," he said. Thomas had shot her right in the heart.

"Y/n I love you so much, never forget that," Thomas whispered, his hand not leaving my cheek. 

"I'm never going to forget that cause you are not going to die. Alexander help me carry him," I demanded, getting up. 

"What about Alex?" Alexander asked. 

"Place him on the bed. We'll carry Thomas to the carriage then I'll run back upstairs to get Alexander and we will head to the doctor, just help me dammit Thomas is not dying!" I screamed. Alexander nodded, placing my son on bed and helping me carry Thomas, which was hard since both of us were fairly small, but we made it downstairs and to the carriage. Alexander took off his long winter coat at placed it to Thomas's wound. I ran upstairs, grabbed Alex and then ran back downstairs. I got in the carriage and we began our way to the doctor. It was about a three minute drive, but it felt like an eternity. 

"Tommy how do you feel?" I asked. 

"H-hurts," was all he managed to spit out. It hurt me to see a man who was usually so strong reduced to single word sentences. He was squeezing my hand as hard as he could. As we pulled up to the doctor, the doctor ran outside. We quickly explained the situation and he helped us carry Thomas out of the carriage. Then him and a bunch of other doctors carried him into a room and slammed the door on us. I immediately bursted into tears. 

"Y/n, how are feeling?" Alexander asked. I ran into his arms, sobbing. 

"Y/n I know it's tough-" 

"No you don't. You don't know shit Alexander Hamilton! I could loose him! I can't loose him! He is my husband and the father of my son I cannot lose him!" I screamed, falling on my knees. 

"Y/n," a voice bellowed. I looked up to see my father running towards me. He pulled me into my arms and Alexander took Alex out of my arms. 

"Dad h-how'd you know?" I managed to spit out in between tears. 

"Your neighbor heard gunshots and got the police. I happened to be at the police department talking with them on how we're going to catch Martha. I saw you guys heading to the doctor. Oh darling are you alright?" My dad spat out. I was on the floor, my hands clinging to his biceps as one of his hands pressed my head into his shoulder as a place for me to cry. 

"Dad he can't die on me!" I managed to spit out. For one of the first times in my life I actually felt like my dad was here for me. To listen to me and try to help. 

"Where was he shot Y/n?" He asked. 

"L-lower thigh," I croaked. 

"Oh sweetie, if I've learned anything from being a general it's that the lower thigh is one of the best places to get shot. I bleeds and hurts like hell because there is a lot of fat there, but there aren't any organs and there aren't a lot of veins so he should make it Y/n," my dad said. Him saying that calmed me down a little. 

"Daddy, I'm scared," I choked out. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alexander choke at me calling my father daddy. I don't know how or why I said it. I think because me being in his arms remind me of when my mother faked her death, I crawled into his arms and asked "daddy, why are you crying?" I wasn't in the room when my mother "died" and when he walked out of the room to tell me the news he was sobbing. 

"I know you are sweetie, I am too, but Thomas is strong. He is one of the strongest people I know. He is going to be fine," my dad said, "Y/n your skin is cold to the touch, do you want my jacket?" I nodded. He took off his black coat and wrapped it around my shoulders. When I was a kid I remember I would steal his coats and play war in them with my dolls. I always made Alexander and Lafayette be the British and I got to pretend to stab them. 

"Y/n," another voice called. I turned around to see Lafayette. He joined my father and I on the floor and pulled me into a hug. 

"Mademoiselle, it is going to be okay," Lafayette said. 

"Laf how did you know Thomas got shot?" Alexander asked. 

"Word travels fast in this gossipy town. Is there any word on how Thomas is doing?" Lafayette asked. My dad and Alexander shook their heads. 

The nigh moved slowly with no word from the doctors until 11pm when one of the doctors walked out of the room. 

"Any word?" I asked, standing up. 

"Yes Mrs. Jefferson. The bullet was already out of his body when he arrived, so that helped along with the place he was shot. We were trying to stop the bleeding and make sure the wound didn't get infected. We have him stable now and we've stopped the bleeding and are almost positive the wound won't get infected. He's been asking for you, would you like to see him?" The doctor asked. 

"Yes please." 

A/n I hope you like this chapter! For this Gaga update we remember this iconic Telephone music video look. 


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