Romeo and Juliet

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~Y/n's POV~ 

I was still be cradled in Thomas's arms when Hamilton showed up with a trunk of my clothes and belongings. 

"Here Y/n, Alice got you enough clothes to get through a week," Alexander said. 

"Ok, thank you Alex," I said. Alex nodded and left. Thomas got up and grabbed the trunk. On top of it was my copy of Romeo and Juliet. Thomas opened it and saw what was written in the front cover. 

Dearest Y/n, 

I know how much you love this book since we have been reading it together for the past year since your 6th birthday. Well for your 7th birthday I have decided to give you my copy of Romeo and Juliet, the same copy my mother read to me when I was younger. I cherish every moment I get to spend with you and remember I am always here for you. 


Uncle Alex 

"Uncle Alex huh?" Jefferson with a laugh "is this your favorite book?" I nodded. Thomas sat down next to me and opened to the first page and began to read "Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean." (A/n I have no clue if this really the opening line of Romeo and Juliet it's what Google said it was, I personally have never read Romeo and Juliet.)  

I let my head fall in his lap as he kept reading, his fingers running through my hair. I felt so calm. Thomas could tell since my tears were slowing and a smile was slowing creeping back up onto my face. 

"I love it when you smile," he said, book marking the page and setting down the book. He pressed his lips against mine again. I felt like I was falling apart, I would do almost anything for him. No one has ever made me feel this way and honestly I wasn't mad about it. 

"Thomas put on your coat there is someone I would like you to meet," I said. Thomas looked confused, but just nodded his head. He grabbed his coat and followed me out the door. As soon as we stepped outside I felt his hand grasp mine. 

"Is this ok?" He asked. 

"Yes of course Tommy," I said. Thomas blushed at his new nickname. 

"Whatever you say kitten," He smirked. Damn it now I was blushing. I lead him into the park and into the cemetery. 

"Y/n why are we in a cemetery?" He asked, concerned. 

"You'll see," I said. We weaved through rows of tombstones until we found it. 

Martha Washington, Born June 13th 1731, Died May 22nd 1778

"So this is who you wanted me to meet?" Thomas asked. I nodded. Thomas and I sat on the grass in front of the grave. We sat there for a couple minutes in silence, listening to to the wind howl around us. 

"It's lovely to finally meet you Mrs. Washington," Thomas said "and I promise you I will take excellent care of my daughter, you have my word." I smiled as Thomas pulled me closer to him.

"I love you so much Y/n," Thomas said. 

"I love you too." 

A/n I know this was short, but I hope y'all enjoy!

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