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~Thomas's POV also two week time skip~

I was having lunch with Alexander. Y/n thought it would be a good idea since she wanted us to know each other better before the wedding, which we were planning for mid-March. Y/n also made us promise we would not discuss work at this lunch. Alexander was sipping his coffee and glaring at me while I drank and herbal tea.

"So Thomas, how are you?" Alexander asked as he began to eat his eggs. 

"I'm fine, how are you Alexander?" I asked. 

"I'm fine, my legs hurts like shit," Alexander said. His crutches sitting by his chair. 

"I'm sure it does. Look Alexander I never thanked you for standing up to Finley," I began, but he cut me off "Look Thomas, I already told Y/n you don't need to thank me. Y/n is like a daughter to me and any good father would do anything to protect their children." 

"So basically you're saying you're a better father than George?" I asked. Alexander almost spit out his coffee because he was laughing. 

"Thomas we shouldn't make fun of our boss," Alexander coughed. 

"Just because we shouldn't doesn't mean we can't. I mean Alexander you knew George better, but from what I've heard George was not the best father to Y/n in her youth," I said. 

"George has never really been good at the whole parenting thing. During the war, George had so much work and Y/n looked so much like her mother that George didn't want to be reminded of those painful memories. " 

"Yeah, but that doesn't excuse him from basically abandoning his child," I exclaimed. 

"I know it doesn't, but he is in her life now at least," Alexander said. He got up, poured his second cup of coffee and sat back down. 

"Alexander how much coffee do you drink on a regular basis?" I asked. 

"On a normal work day, I usually have five cups of coffee," Alexander said. 


"Yeah, but on a day I have to write an essay I have seven." 

"If I have more than two cups of coffee I get a headache," I said. Alexander laughed. 

"You just haven't built up a tolerance like I have, I use to get those headaches too, but you have to power through them. Now I only get them if I've had more than nine cups of coffee." 

"ALEXANDER HAMILTON WHEN THE FUCK DO YOU NEED MORE THAN NINE CUPS OF COFFEE!" I practically yelled at the top of my lungs. He chuckled. 

"The last time Eliza was in labor, she was in labor for 28 hours. Trust me Thomas if and when you and Y/n have a kid is when you'll need to have nine cups of coffee," Alexander laughed. I blushed slightly at the thought of having a family with Y/n. 

"You're blushing! You want to have kids don't you. I never pictured you as a family man Thomas," Alexander said. 

"I've always wanted to have kids, it's just I never found a woman I wanted to be the mother of my children. I mean Martha would of done, I mostly married her because my father wanted me to," I said. Alexander nodded his head. 

"Ya know, Y/n's birthday is next week," Alexander said. Shit I almost forgot. 

"Yeah, I was thinking of throwing her a surprise party," I said. 

"That's a great idea Thomas. I recommend you start planning now," Alexander said. We finished up lunch and I started walking home. As I walked in the door I saw Y/n on the couch reading her book. Something washed over me and I felt myself sprinting toward her, I grabbed her face in my hands and kissed her. Y/n was surprised at first, but quickly kissed me back. She started pulling at my curls, something that drove me crazy. Slowly and hesitantly I pulled away from her lips, her fingers still entangled in my curls. 

"Tommy what was that for?" She asked. 

"Kitten, I just wanted to remind you that I love you." 

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