Wedding Day Part 2

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A/n I was focused on Daveed that whole video. Him saying "boom" is one of the best things I've seen. Also his dancing and his clinking of the ring on the glass is just *chefs kiss* Also his Respect her shirt is great, we stan someone who respects women and doesn't think they're objects. Anyone onto the historical fluff.

~Y/n's POV~

As always Thomas's lips tasted like cinnamon which is weird because I've never seen him eat anything with cinnamon on it. Everyone started clapping and cheering, but I was in my own world. I was now Y/n Jefferson, married to the love of my life and finally happy. Thomas slowly pulled away. 

"I love you and my god you are drop dead gorgeous," Thomas whispered in my ear, causing me to blush. He took my hand into his and we ran down the isle out the doors into the reception room. Soon everyone would be joining us there, but while we had a quick moment of privacy  Thomas pulled me into another tight kiss. 

"I love you so much," I managed to say before Thomas's lips smashed against mine. He slowly pulled away, tears in his eyes. 

"Hey don't cry," I managed to say as the first guests walked in, wiping the tears off his face. 

"I'm just so happy," he said as he grabbed him hand and lead me up to the lead table. We sat next to each other as guests flooded in. Lafayette sat next to Thomas and Alexander next to me and my father next to Alexander. Thomas gripped my hand as my dad began his toast. 

"Ladies and gentleman you could have been anywhere in the world tonight, well technically this afternoon, but you are here for the wedding between my daughter and the love of her life, a man who when I first heard was dating my daughter I freaked out. I tried so hard to stop these two from being in love I tried to set Y/n with this awful human being who luckily ran away to Portugal. Y/n I am so sorry for not being there for you when you needed me the most. I hope you can forgive me," my dad said. The crowd awwed and even James Madison had a smile on his face. Next was time for Lafayette's toast. 

"The first time I met Thomas in Paris, he was wearing this bright magenta coat that hurt my eyes. I thought he was some stuck up American brat, but little did I know he was an American brat, just with a heart of gold, Thomas I am so so so happy you've found someone who makes you smile, because for the longest time you've drowned yourself in your work and I'm glad you've found someone who will pull you to shore when you're drowning in your work," Lafayette said, causing us to both smile and Thomas squeezed my hand under the table. Last, but not least was Alexander's turn to say something. 

"I would like to start this off by saying Thomas, you are an idiot and I do not respect you professionally," Alexander began causing everyone to laugh,"but I do respect you personally. You make someone I consider a daughter to me very happy. The past couple months is the happiest I've seen Y/n in a long time and it's all because of you Thomas. All the time you've spent with her to heal her wounds is something I tried, but couldn't do. You healed her when no one else could even when George tried to stop you. You treated Y/n like a person when most men in our society could treat her as an object. Thomas my opinions of you has changed since you started dating Y/n, but your political opinions are still stupid," Alexander said. Everyone laughed harder and Thomas gave me a quick peck on the cheek, causing me to blush. After that the food was served and after that we cut the cake. Thomas couldn't stop smiling I couldn't either. After that It was time for our first dance as a married couple. 

As the music started I quickly recognized the song. 

"Tommy," I whispered as we twirled around the room, all eyes on us "this is the song you proposed to me to!" 

"I know Kitten, that's why I choose it," Thomas whispered back. I smiled looking up at him. His beautiful black curls, his smile, everything about him was intoxicating. We twirled around the room, his eyes kept meeting mine and all I could think about was how beautiful he was. I love him. As the song ended Thomas pulled him into a dip kiss, causing my hands to wrap around his neck. 

As our wedding ended it was dark outside. Thomas took my hand in his as we walked outside to our carriage, getting in and heading home. Thomas kissed me again and in unison we said "I love you." 

A/n I hope you liked this chapter. If you like these type of Hamilton characters x readers I have a new King George III x Reader up that y'all might like. Anyway for this Gaga update I share two of my favorite Lady Gaga quotes that will always have a special place in my heart. Which one of these two is your favorite?

 Which one of these two is your favorite?

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