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I woke up early, prepared a hot cafe americano and breakfast for my dad, he leaves from work just to accompanied me. It's unusual to have a time with him so, I valued every minute when I'm with him. He's a very busy man knowing being a CEO is not a joke, I always thank him for time and doing his best for me, even Im doing sh*t most of my school years he keeps telling me that he's proud of me. well, because I don't want to fail him.

After breakfast, I sent a sweet goodmorning message to Lisa and she quickly responded, "I love you too, seeyou later love." I can't stop smiling while staring at her picture which is my wallpaper. Yes, I know it's weird for a guy like me to do this kind of things but, I can't help it.

In an hour, I was all prepared for the graduation, wearing the suit that my dad chooses he said I look like a prince in it. I can see my dad smiling wide while looking straight at me while Im approaching him.

"You look good son, you really looked like me." we both laughed before hopping in different cars. I used my mesarati, since he has a driver and a body guard he uses his elegant black Rolls Royce as usual.

🎮 time skipped 🎮

As I arrived the area, walking out the parking lot I noticed the people around was focus on my direction, I'm not the only one wearing a suit but why they are looking at me like I'm a prey.

As I arrived the area, walking out the parking lot I noticed the people around was focus on my direction, I'm not the only one wearing a suit but why they are looking at me like I'm a prey

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I'm used to that kind of attention, so I just ignored them like I usually do. I looked around if any of my friends are there, I stopped from walking to sent a message to Lisa but, a white Mercedes parked in front of me caught my attention especially when a beautiful girl wearing white dress with greyish brown short hair went out the car. I blinked twice before focus my attention to her again, I never thought there's a student here who's attractive as Lisa.

She noticed me and smiled, I froze when I saw her beautiful face that bright smile like a sun, I bite my lip and smiled back to her.

She noticed me and smiled, I froze when I saw her beautiful face that bright smile like a sun, I bite my lip and smiled back to her

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I can't believed I'm still attracted to my girl even she changes her appearance that I almost didn't noticed it was her.

I approached her, "You're so beautifilul love. I like your hair and nice car, it suits you." she chuckled while putting her hands on my shoulder and moved closer, "really? thanks my sweet prince." she teases with her soft lovely voice that sends butterflies to my stomach, I blushed but, still keep it cool. I received a lots of compliments but, I can't hold back myself everytime Lisa did that.

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