Unrecovered - Chapter 2

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    "Hey AJ! Race ya to the canteen, last one there is a rotten apple!" Rainbowdash beamed.
"Excuse me, you're tellin' me to race the fastest girl in school? Now ain't that just cheatin'!" AJ grumbled. Rainbowdash giggled and huffed in her raspy voice,"Hey, look who finally admitted she's a slow coach," she blew a raspberry at her cowgirl friend. "No I didn't, my speed is normal, your's is just crazy and over 9000!"
Their five other friends were watching them from behind and laughing along to their every words. They loved this comedy show, which tunes on almost every day. The pink haired girl, Pinkie, was snorting and laughing and crying and coughing all at the same time. "Chill, Pinkie! Get a better sense of humour if you wanna laugh that crazy!" Sunset nudged her shoulder with a smirk. "Whaaat?" The sunset-coloured haired girl giggled.

The group of best friends settled down at a table in the corner of the cafeteria. The friends scattered across the cafeteria and came back with different dishes, each unique and special, originating from different countries. Only one of them remained seated.
"Dashie, aren't you going to buy anything?" the concerned, beautiful girl asked. Her voice was gentle and sweet, she had luscious long soft pink hair. She goes by the name of Fluttershy. "Sorry, Flutters. No money," came the reply. Rainbowdash turned her pockets inside out to showcase her empty, navy short jeans.
Twilight's head perked up. The purple-coloured eyed girl saw the window of opportunity. 'Yes! A chance to show my friends that theres no inhumane thing in me anymore!' Poor Twilight was still insecure about herself after the Friendship Games incident. It had only been two weeks since she had transferred from Crystal Prep to Canterlot High. She absolutely loved this school; the atmosphere, the library, the food, the teachers. But the thing she loved the most about this ginormous fancy school was her new friends, Sunset, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbowdash.
The dark-blue haired bespectacled girl desperately took out her wallet and waved her five bucks in Rainbow's face. "Here, take this! You must eat something, it is unhealthy to skip lunch. Do you know that you wouldn't be able to focus properly in class if there isn't a sufficient amount of energy in your body? You may flop your exams and take another year of high school! You may not be able to even find a proper job after getting a degree!"
The rainbow haired girl blinked.
The group of friends awkwardly looked between the two of them. "Darling.. I think she gets the point", Rarity placed a hand on Twilight's shoulder. Twilight realised the awkward silence circling them like hungry panthers and slowly sat down. Applejack opened her mouth, a concerned look on her face, "Sugarcube, ya seem very paranoid and anxious. Is something bothering ya?"
The purple girl's face flushed red with embarrassment. "Y-yes... everything is fine."
Pinkie coughed intentionally as Rainbowdash gave her a glare. "Uhm, gee, thanks Twi. I guess I'll take your money, I am starving anyway!" Dash said, trying to change the topic.
Twilight breathed a sigh of relief as she handed over the note. The blue girl dashed over to the stalls immediately.

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