The Horror - Chapter 11

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     WARNING! This chapter contains vulgar language and violence! If you are sensitive please skip this chap.
     Prepare yourselves, for this is gonna  be one long, intense chapter hehe.


      Rainbowdash was lying in her bedroom playing videogames. She was definitely glad to get a break from high school to sit back and chillax — for the wrong reason, even though the next week she came back homework would be piled to the ceiling. Trying to ignore that last part, Dash shook her head and concentrated on her game. She gripped tighter onto the controller, carefully studying the NPC player's moves. She swiftly pressed a button on the controller as she dodged a blow from it. After another two attempts from the NPC, she glanced at the health bars situated at the bottom of the tv screen. Just two more hits... she thought. Biting her lip, she squinted her eyes as she proceeded to spam the x and y button. She perspired profusely as the NPC jumped over some of her attacks.
     Eventually, the player collapsed to the ground. "Yes! Always works!", RD punched the air victoriously.

Unlike the previous night, Dash's room now looked like it had been struck by a hurricane.
Her favourite book series, Daring Do, were scattered across the floor, used clothes piled up on her bed. There were a few picture frames of RD and her friends hung on the wall, along side the many soccer posters plastered across the walls of the messy room.
It was now 10 pm, which was considered very late for the family. But of course, the girl did not care. Besides, theres no school tomorrow! RD grinned at herself.
After a few more rounds of Super Mario Bros, RD collapsed onto her bed. "Ugh, I'm bored," she lamented. She decided to switch off the television and get some shut eye.
     Laying back comfortably down in bed, RD was facing her right. She looked at the group photo on the small round table of her and her best friends.
Blinking, she stole a glance at AJ. She looked really happy with those emerald eyes wide, sparkling in the afternoon sun. They had taken that picture during their junior years, before they had became friends with Sunset and Twilight. It was just the five of them then, RD, AJ, Fluttershy, Pinkie pie, and Rarity. She looked at AJ once again, all eyes for her.
"Do I really like her?", she questioned herself. That day when she fell on top of AJ, she felt confused. She did not know what was that tingling sensation that soared through her body as she stared into the deep green eyes of the cowgirl. Time seemed to had come to a stop. It was as though it was only the two of them in a whole new world.
Rainbowdash flushed red as she reminisced the  incident that had happened today.
She was the knight in shining armour, coming to save her princess from evil monsters. Ew, hell no, RD shook the ridiculous thought off her head.
After awhile, RD fortunately cleared her mind filled with dancing apples and started drifting off to sleep. She felt the falling sensation as she fell asleep; just liked how she probably fell for AJ.
       The dream took her deep into her very own fantasy land, where nothing was impossible.
         Crash! RD immediately sat up. Shocked, she scratched her head. "Was that just a dream?", the thought lingered in her mind as she cautiously settled back into the warmth of her blanket.
       Just mere seconds later, she heard another crash. Eyes wide, she jumped out of bed and sprinted down the stairs, nearly tripping over herself. Each step she took was heavy. Petrifying thoughts rushed through her. "Anybody t-there!?," She yelled, trying to hide her trembling soul. She frantically looked around the kitchen, which was the first room she saw when she touched ground floor. It was dark. She quickly flicked on all the lights as she finally reached the living room, meeting something unexpected.

She cupped her mouth.

She was horrified to the point that she forgot to flick the switch.

Slowly processing the scene, eyes widened, her lips quivered. Her raspy voice was dying to be heard.

"M-mom..? Dad..?", she looked at her beloved parents before her. They had their mouths covered by dirty brown clothes, struggling to speak and scream. Their voices were muffled as they struggled to be let free. Tears streamed down their horrified faces.
     Each were gripped tightly by men in black, shotguns pointed towards their heads. They were looking right back at her, clearly surprised. "You didn't tell me you had a daughter..." One of them glared at Rainbow's helpless mother. She could not see their faces clearly. RD was frozen in time, really confused and angered by what was happening. This was too much to take in for the blue girl. Clenching her fists, she screamed, "YOU SICK F*CKS LET THEM GO NOW!" Her voice echoed throughout the house. That clearly had done nothing but anger the intruders even more. "Grab her, and dump her into the trash bins behind the house," One of them ordered.
"Can't we just kill her?"
"Don't need to, just knock her out. We don't need her,"
       One of the them, buff and big looking, jumped at RD. She had no time to react. She tried her best to get away, but he already had her. She punched and kicked at him as he struggled to knock her out. She was screaming vulgarities at the man. Her parents watched in horror as the stranger threw punches at their girl. Their sweet baby girl. Struggling even more, Rainbow's father finally broke free from his guy's hands. Rope was still tied around him. Using his hard head, he launched at the man who held him as he dodged it easily and roughly grabbed him by the hair. There was so much impact and force, that most of his hair tore off the scalp. He screamed in pain as blood trickled down his head. Finally, the man in black had had enough. He swiftly held the gun to the crying man's head, loaded the magazine and pulled the trigger.

          The loud banging of the weapon blared through the neighbourhood.
"I fucking told you not to do that! It was to threaten them, you bastard! Now we're gonna get caught easily!", the supposed leader hollered at him.
"Chief, he was screaming too much like a baby. I had to kill him."

     RD stared at her father's soul-less body, still in the hands of the guy who attacked her. She was pale white, sickened to the stomach of what she had just witnessed. The body was just lying there without a head. It was the most terrifying thing she had ever seen. Her mother was already a step ahead of her, sobbing as she cried an ocean. Neither of them could believe the death of their loved one.
     The enraged blue girl screamed once more and exerted all her force and energy into her knee, which was thrown at the stomach of the buff dude. He held onto his stomach as he rolled across the room, knocking over the tables and plates. The items rained down on him as ceramic shards pierced through his skin, making him yell out in agony.
     Rainbowdash blinked. She stole one last glance at her mother's wet, shiny magenta eyes and made her decision. Reluctantly, RD quickly made a run for the bathroom door and locked herself behind it.
      She was terrified beyond imagination. Burying her face into her palms, she rolled into a ball, back facing the bathroom door and started sobbing. She did not know what to do, if she attempted to untie her mother, the two remaining men would already have shot the both of them. She made a quick decision, and this is where she was.
       The sight of her father's body ran through her mind, causing her to tense up and screech.
Why, RAINBOWDASH WHY?! You defended AJ from three bullies, but you can't defend your own parents from three intruders?! Why are you such a scaredy cat??? WHY WHY WHY!!!!!! She slapped and punched herself, causing her nose to bleed even more than it already did. "You deserved that, RD," she mumbled to herself.

      Not knowing what to do, she hid in the bathroom for a few more minutes, processing everything that had just happened.

"AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!," a female voice hollered through the house, followed by another deafening bang of the shotgun.

RD stayed in there for the rest of the night.

Hey, sorry for the vulgar language and violent stuff again. I decided to add some tensity into this story. But hopefully you enjoyed this! (Sorry Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles!! :(()

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