Consultation - Chapter 15

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The world can be cruel sometimes. You can't always get what you want. That's part of life, though. You can't feel happiness until you feel the pain. Cause' rainbows won't light up the sky unless you let it rain.
Rainbowdash ran down the still empty school halls covering her face with her arms. She didn't know what to feel. Angered and attacked that her crush like another person, or embarrassed that she was sobbing so miserably over love. Her sprinting foot steps echoed the hall ways as the lockers seemed to be taunting her, laughing silently at her pathetic attempt to confess to her one and only love. Dash's eyes were welled up with tears now, she was crying a river. She couldn't believe it. Why does AJ like Soarin? I thought I was the one for her. We've known each other since young, we're practically the best of friends! Sure sometimes we fight, okay maybe a lot... but that doesn't change the fact that she has a thing for me, does it? Did she ever even liked me? Was she just playing around with my feelings? Am I just a blind asshole? Oh, all these sappy romantic stuff... this is why I'll never give love a chance ever again. This is the only time I've fallen in love, yet I've already be indirectly rejected.
Rainbowdash realised how much she was overthinking, giving up, being miserable. She snapped out of it. No, Rainbowdash. You're strong, you're tough. Don't let these stupid things get to you. The blue girl had slowed down her pace. She turned to face a trophy display set, one where CHS had won many games, competitions, and more achievements. She looked at the glass before her, reflecting herself. She puffed her chest and smiled. "You're part of this amazing school. You've gotta show the school spirit! Don't let em down!", She spoke to herself. Feeling a lot more collected and confident, she decided to go talk to AJ. She didn't really give AJ a chance to speak for herself, now that she thought about it. Rainbowdash turned around and started towards the school field once again, now searching for Applejack. Not knowing what to expect, the blue blur pushed open the entrance to the school field. She scanned the area, only to find the abandoned cones and soccer balls scattered across the place. Jeez, this place is a mess. I better clean up before continuing my search for AJ. A few seconds in and Rainbowdash was already impatient. She then thought of something. Looking around, she started humming to herself.
Soon, ears and wings sprouted on her head and back. Yes! Now to business! She cleaned up the place and put every thing back to where she got them in ten seconds flat. Her ears and wings faded and disappeared into thin air as she landed safely in front of the school entrance. She checked the time. 8:45 am. Crap, school's gonna start soon. Just then she noticed students pouring through the gates. Before she knew it, the halls were flooded with students. The CMCs were running around, some were rushing to their lockers, some were chatting. It was boisterous. Great, how am I gonna find AJ now?
She then blinked and slapped herself. My phone! Oh rainbowdash you're such an idiot. She whipped out her phone and started texting Applejack.

[Stupid Apples❣️🍎]

Rainbow stared at the saved contact and chuckled.

Me: AJ?

Me: Apples?

Me: Applejaaaackk???

Me: ... ok then.. well..

Me: sorry about just now, but where are you now? i wanna talk to u.

Me: but if you dont wanna we can just talk here, or not at all...

Why isn't she replying!?
Rainbowdash decided to hit the 'Call' button.

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