Trust - Chapter 13

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          AJ sprinted across the canteen, confused faces shot at her. "Rainbow?", She called out, hands cupped around her mouth. No reply, except for a few murmurs and giggling. She rolled her eyes at them and started towards the soccer field, which she was really confident to find RD in.
         She was not there. Somethin's goin' on... AJ scratched her head and walked back inside the school. Mindlessly, AJ made her way to the front steps of the school, where she and her friends always hung out. No one there. She decided to check the school library, even though she was sure RD would definitely not be there. It was just to double confirm. No Rainbow there either.
         The cowgirl thought hard. "Ah yes! The restroom! Why didn't ah think 'bout it?" She huffed and raced down the hallway to the nearest restroom. Oooh, it'll be like those scenes in romantic movies! AJ started to daydream. The girl would be crying in the school restroom, and the boy would be outside the door comforting he- AJ stopped. Wait, doesn't that suggest that RD is crying right now? Oh cow, ah really better see if she's alright or not. Stop thinking up stupid fantasies that would never come true! Right now you've gotta focus on how to cheer Rainbo-
       Time stopped for a millisecond as AJ felt the imbalance at the tip of her toes. She barely had anytime to react or shriek, however, she waved her hands in a gesture of mock helplessness as shock overtook her. Stumbling over the slippery ground, the careless blondie lost her balance and lunged forward — falling flat onto the ground.
         "Ughh..." AJ groaned while rubbing her temples. She was unexpectedly greeted by a familiar reaction.
           Rainbowdash blinked. "Apples?" The next thing she knew, the blue girl burst into laughter as the raspiness of her voice increased the adoration by twenty percent. Clutching onto her stomach, RD gripped onto the edge of the sink for support; nearly falling over herself, and continued filling the entire bathroom with laughter. Tears were already forming in her eyes.
          AJ looked up and smiled. Now, that's the Rainbow ah know. She loved to see Rainbowdash happy, even if it meant she herself had to get hurt. AJ struggled to get back up on her feet as she slipped and tumbled over again, causing Rainbowdash to laugh even more. AJ could not help but laugh along.
      Only now did the cowgirl notice the very obvious yellow sign that has "Slippery!" written on it in bold letters. She flushed in embarrassment as her clothes soaked in the water.

      "Here, need help?" RD held out her hand.
      "Doesn't this feel familiar?" AJ joked as she reached out to grabbed onto her soft blue hands once again, lifted up from the wet restroom floor. The rainbow haired girl picked up AJ's hat from the ground and tossed it to her.
Squeezing the water out of her shirt, Applejack finally started conversing.
"What were ya doin' here, Rainbow? Ah had to look all over school for ya!" AJ scolded, placing her hands on her hips.
"Awww, Apples, you looked all over school for me?" RD teased, winking at her princess. AJ flustered.
"N-no... not that ah lik- ah mean.. Ah'm your very good friend. Yea. That's all," AJ gritted her teeth and twirled her golden locks.
Damn it Rainbow, stop staring at her! Aww, she's just too cute. RD screamed in herself. I never thought I would be the fangirl type of person, She giggled.
    The two girls stood there in silence, blushing internally and awkwardness stood between them.

     It finally got serious when AJ cleared her throat. "But seriously, though, what were ya doin' here?" The cowgirl narrowed her eyes at her. Rainbowdash only looked down at her feet as the smile tore away from her face. Her teeth were clenched, sparkles fading away from her magenta iris. Great job, AJ! Applejack slapped herself.
    Stepping forward, AJ put her hand on Rainbowdash's shoulder. "Ah'm not forcin' ya to tell me. Ah just thought ah could be trusted. If ya want, ah could just leave right now and give ya your privac-" Rainbow threw her arms around her as AJ was about to head out of the restroom. Her head was resting on the cowgirl's skinny shoulder. Both were roughly the same height. Hugging tightly onto the flustered cowgirl, Rainbowdash's eyes welled up a bit as she quivered weakly.
     "I d-do trust you.. A-apples. Please s-stay, I-I'll tell you everyt-thing..." Rainbowdash muttered behind her.
      Applejack smiled and turned around so that they could properly hug each other. Arms wrapped around each other, Rainbow smiled warmly and sniffed.
      "Never thought ah'd see the tough one here cry," AJ giggled, trying to lighten up the mood.
    RD pulled away, she could only glare at her frenemy while laughing.
      "Let's head to the cafeteria so you could also tell our other friends what happened,"
     "No," Rainbow calmly said. AJ raised an eyebrow.
     "I want to tell you only," She spoke. "You told me about that Raishie girl, a.k.a. me, your awesome friend," RD puffed her chest. "And now, I'll tell you about my home, my parents, what my life had just became."

      RD sniffed the air. Bleugh. "Let's go to the indoor stadium, no one's there cause' I locked it up," RD said, waving the key to it. The sporty girl had access to the school's basketball courts, soccer fields, and indoor stadium. What a massive school this was. "Plus, this place really stinks." AJ giggled.
      RD grabbed Applejack's hand and sprinted down the hallway toward the indoor stadium. AJ only saw them in slow motion. Just them two. Her face flushed red, fingers intertwined with her Dashie as the blue blur pulled the blondie with her. AJ held tightly onto her hat as the strong force tried to tear it away from her. If only I could make her mine... AJ smiled and rolled her eyes.

     "We're here, now sit down there," RD pointed towards the bottom of the spectating benches as she started to switch on a few of the light switches. "Break ends in a few minutes," Rainbowdash looked at her blue watch.

      Both settled down comfortably and Rainbowdash started sharing her traumatic experience.
       AJ could see the fear and sadness in her eyes. A minute or two in, RD's eyes were already welling up with water.
   "A-and then he shot my f-father... right i-in front of m-my e-eyes," Rainbowdash said between sobs, plastering her hands to her face. "I-I tried my b-best to save m-my father, but h-he was t-too strong for me..." Applejack was shocked. She could not believe RD went through all this in the past week. AJ may have lost her parents when she was just a little girl, but RD brutally saw them pass right in front of  her eyes. AJ could only imagine what Rainbow had seen and heard that one unfortunate night.
         Applejack was trying her best comforting the blue girl, as she finally settled on moving closer and wrapping her arm around her. Rainbowdash flushed bright crimson red. She wanted to be the dominating one, but atleast AJ cares. She continued telling her story as both girls were cozily tucked in the corner of the indoor stadium, in the warmth of each other. It was really quiet, and it was just them two. Only Applejack could listen to her Rainbow. No one was there to tease and disturb them. AJ loved this feeling.
        The school bell rang, reminding them of the start of the next period. AJ stood up from the benched and started towards the indoor stadium's exit. She felt someone grab onto her wrist, pulling her back a little. "W-wait Apples, before you go..." Rainbowdash stood up and rubbed her neck, avoiding eye contact with the cowgirl.
"I just wanted to say that recently, you've changed my life as well," RD grinned at her. Should I confess? Is this even the right time? What if she's straight and she doesn't like me? What if she rejects me?  The thoughts roared through the blue girl's head.
AJ smiled warmly. Surely she meant as our friendship, right?
"Me too, Rainbow. Me too."
Rainbow bit her lip and played along, smiling.
Both waved at each other as they took different paths to their respective classes.
Maybe another time. Maybe not at all. RD thought.

AAAAAA i hope you guys enjoyed that! :D im slowly running out of ideas, but not to worry. im sure ideas would pop up in my mind in the snap of a finger. I personally dont like this chapter very much, but i promise it'd get spicy real soon. Stay tuned!~~

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