Rush hour - Chapter 16

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Applejack still couldn't believe that she was moving. Ugh, why do I only have half an hour to pack! So busy so busy so busy so busy.

An hour ago outside her school she and her big brother were arguing.
"Moving?! To where?! Why now? And why?", Applejack was shocked. Her tone was rising.

"I really got no time to explain, sis. We only have an hour now. We're moving to Manehatten. I'll explain on the way! Just get in!"

Big mac grabbed his sister's arms, only to be rejected.

Applejack stared, eyes wide at him.

"Manehatten?! B-but, that's so far away! How am suppose to get to school on time?!"

"You'll be moving school as well."

"What?! But my friends..."

"Listen here, AJ," Applejack held her shoulders, tone softening.

"Friends or family? Which is more important? Your home, or the school?"

"But... my friends are family..."

Big mac narrowed his eyes. He then glanced at his watch. "Sorry sis, we really have no time! Just get in the car!"

"Why are we rushing anyway!? I still have so many questions!"

"I'll answer in the truck!  Now stop being so stubborn and get in!"

Applejack hesitated. She finally gave in and hopped on.
She watched through the window as Canterlot High School grew smaller and smaller, until it was hidden behind a building. She needed time to process what had just happened, what was in store for her, what she just left behind. Her best friends, the teachers, Rainbowdash...
and soon the place she had called home since birth, Sweet Apple Acres.



"Who the hay is calling me right now! Ah'm so heckin' busy!", Applejack hollered, clearly stressed out. Her phone was on the bed, buzzing. She picked up the phone and noticed the caller. Her fingers were about to press the "Slide to answer" icon, but then she remembered what had just happened. She needed to do alot of explanation, and now really wasn't the time. Sorry, Rainbow... Applejack dropped her phone back onto her bed and continued packing. I'll call ya back when I'm done with this, I promise.
As Applejack stuffed her belongings into cardboard boxes, the ringing of her phone continued to fill the entire bedroom. AJ tried her best ignored it.

Hopefully she won't be mad at me.

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