Answers - Chapter 17

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    "Hurry up Applebloom! We can't wait all day," AJ yelled at the farm house. "Sorry sis! Ah got a lot of things to pack!" Applebloom shouted back, still in her bedroom. She had many picture frames and gifts from her bestfriends, Scootaloo and Sweetiebelle. She picked up a picture frame of them, the CMCs, softly smiling. "Ah didn't even get to say goodbye..." AB mumbled to herself, holding back tears. "Ah didn't get to either." "Huh?!" AB turned around, watching her big sister enter her room. "You're not the only one here with bestfriends, ya know," AJ smiled. "Oh, sis... why are we leaving... we have our school here, our friends, our apple trees, we have everything!" Applebloom complained, tossing objects into a cardboard box. "We wouldn't have everything...", Came the reply.
"The government plans on taking down this barn and the trees to build a big hospital. They are saving lives, and that's more important than harvesting apples..." AJ spoke.
"What! Why can't they do it anywhere else?! There are so many available places by the countryside!" Applebloom protested.
"Because our barn is located in the middle of the town, where people could get to faster. Besides, the government is gonna pay us a fortune for this, and the soil in Manehatten is great for harvesting apple trees. Heck, we may even do a greater business there," Applejack said, trying to stay positive. Deep down she really didn't want to leave her hone.
"Our business wasn't going very well anyway, and we were losing a lot of money..." She added sadly.
"But sis... why do we have to rush?" Applebloom asked.
"Quickly finish packing your things, I'll explain, I promise."
AJ was helping Applebloom carry the boxes into the truck, while enlightening her.
"Big Mac and Granny Smith actually made the deal a month ago, and they never told us until today, at the eleventh hour. They knew that we would react this way, which was why they never did tell us. They know what they did was wrong, but alas we have to rush anyway." AJ was still mad. "But if they had told us sooner, we would have a lot more time to pack and properly kiss this place goodbye." AJ clenched onto her cardboard box tighter. "And we would've had the time to spend the last few days or even weeks with our best friends or even just explain to them! But no! We have to rush and ah'm just so mad! UGH!" AJ hollered. Applebloom was awkward walking beside her, she didn't like when her sister was all boiled up. "Sorry, little sis... ah'm just.." "It's okay, ah feel you," her sister smiled. The last few minutes were quiet. Eventually, the Apple family got all their stuff into the truck and hopped aboard.

The afternoon sun was rising. That took more than an hour.

"Is everyone ready?" Big Mac turned to look at his family in the backseat.

"No..." AJ mumbled.
"What was that?"
"Ah'm not ready," The blonde girl said, clearer this time.
"Ah really wanna see my friends, just one last time. Please? At least tell them face to face whats goin' on?"
Big Mac felt bad, he really did. He felt as if he was a monster, tearing relationships apart. The least he could do was allow her to, even though they were rushing.
He sighed and answered. "Fine, but ah'll give you just 20 mins to get sorted out with 'em and come back here to the barn."
AJ's eyes lit up. "REALLY? Oh cow Big Mac thanks so much!" She hugged her brother as she hopped off the truck. "Can I go too? The CMCs would be devastated if ah just left 'em like this!" Applebloom gave him the puppy eyes. He smiled. "Eeyup."
The two sisters sprinted down the hill, towards Canterlot High school. They ran as fast as they could. It should be lunch period now, so ah'll get to see them!
In only five minutes, they've reached their destination. They dashed into the school and started towards the cafeteria. AJ's heart was beating rapidly. She never felt so happy yet so sad ever in her life. She was going to see her best friends and Rainbowdash one last time. She didn't know how to feel anymore. She could see the doors to the cafeteria right down the hallway. Panting, the two sisters pushed open the cafeteria doors.

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