Be Brave - Chapter 7

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      Soft giggles could be heard. The trees were shuffling their leaves against each other.
    "Rainbow, wake up."

    "Shut up, I wanna sleep," groaned RD.
      Cars were honking, traffic lights were sounding off. Birds were tweeting. Children were laughing in the park. However, she could hear sinister giggling amongst the innocent laughter.
      RD finally opened her eyes. The sun was rising. The giant fiery red ball gave off a strong light. RD shielded her eyes from it.
      AJ tapped on RD, trying to alert her about her surroundings. "Its morning. 6:35 a.m., to be exact."
      RD looked around. She saw some phones flashing in the distance.
      The irritated girl grabbed her friend. "We gotta go."


     "Thanks, Rainbow. Ya didn't need ta walk - or should ah say run- me to my farm." AJ was panting. "Here's ya hoodie, it's dirty now from the perspiration."
"No sweat, Apples. I'd get it clean in no time.
Gotta run, or else I'd be late for school."
Dash smiled at AJ and gave her a wink. The cowgirl grew butterflies in her stomach.

She watched Rainbowdash as she ran down the street in a heartbeat.


     The school bell rang, welcoming the students back for another day. Both AJ and RD got to school just on time. The girls ran to their lockers.

AJ walked down the long hallway of the school. She noticed the students around were giggling. She shrugged it off. Opening her locker, she took her mathematic textbook, calculator and pencil box out and she threw her backpack in.
Someone closed the locker door for her, it was rather harsh. Eyes wide, AJ looked to her right and laid eyes on Dumb-bell and his two friends, Score and Loop. Their faces were menacing, and they meant trouble.
It is hard to say, but, AJ was actually scared.

The boys surrounded the helpless cowgirl. "Do ya'll mind giving me some space?" the blonde girl requested half heartedly. She put on a brave face, for Mama and Papa.
"And why should we be bossed around by a lesbian?" Dumb-bell smirked, a glint in his lime green eyes.
AJ blinked. "W-what? But how did you-"
Dumb-bell landed a blow on AJ's left cheek. Students around were drawn to the drama. They started snickering. "Oh poor AJ... how embarrassing," One of them teased.
"Her dirty little secret is out of the bag," Loop announced to the world.
AJ was hurt, both mentally and physically. She touched her left cheek, and struggled to get up again. Her legs felt like jelly. Since when was Dumb-bell so strong? The cowgirl was infuriated.
The whole hall laughed at the girl. Every student starting taunting, "Lesbian! Lesbian! Lesbian!"
AJ's mouth quivered. "Be strong," she told herself. She thought of Mama and Papa. "Don't cry, if ya do, they'd think you're a crybaby. Don't satisfy them." She shut her eyes and wished for all of this to go away.
"Lesbian! Lesbian! Lesbian!"

"My turn," Score raised his hand high up, it could touch the sky. AJ rolled into a ball and used her arms to shield herself. Oh AJ, why are you such a scaredy cat? She asked herself. She shut her beautiful eyes harder, this time completely shielding them from the world. She just wants the floor to swallow her up right now.
Score's strong fist rained down on her. AJ expected the worst.
After a few moments, the blondie opened one eye and peeked.
No pain was felt. Confused and petrified, the helpless blonde girl looked up.

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