The Girl - Chapter 5

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"Is there something wrong, Apples?" Dash asked, worried about her friend.
"Can ah.. can ah trust you?"
"Sure you can! You can tell me EVERYTHING!" RD leaned in closer to Applejack to listen to her little story. Her head was almost resting on AJ's shoulder.
AJ turned into a living tomato almost immediately.

"While.. uh.. today is my Mama's and Papa's 20th Anniversary-"
"Really? Cool! Tell them I said happy anniversary." Dash interrupted.
"Ya see, ah can't"
Dash looked up at her.
"They've passed on... really long ago, in fact. Almost 12 years since ah've last laid eyes on em'"
Dash's heart broke. It broke for AJ. "Dang... I'm really sorry to hear that."
"Nah, it ain't your fault. Ah've pretty much gotten over it."
"Well, then why are you out here all by youself, AJ?"
"There was this.. there was this girl ah met a decade ago. Ah saw her playing here, at this park, which is near to my apple farm. She also happened to attend the same elementary school ah did. Ah became good friends with her."
Dash frowned. A tinge of jealousy struck her heart. "Nice, how was she? Was she kind? Was she awesome? Was she good looking?"
"Oh, she was all of that, alright."
Dash tapped her feet.
"Ah once told her about my parents, and ah was sobbing away helplessly. She patted my head and told me that, 'Your parents are with you right now. They would not like to see you cry. They want to see you be a strong girl! Can you be that strong girl? For your parents? For me?'"
Rainbowdash blinked. She found those words awfully familiar. Maybe it was a famous quote whoever-the-heck-that-girl-was stole from the internet?
AJ cut through her thoughts, "We were young, yet, she spoke true words of wisdom. Thats why ah liked her a lot."
Once again, Rainbowdash tried to hide her jealousy. She wanted to find that girl and murder her. Okay, maybe not murder, but just 1v1 her in a game of soccer in a field full of spectators and humiliate her in front of everyone.
"RD, are ya okay? Ya're really quiet tonight."
"O-oh its nothing! So what happened after thaaat?"
AJ got indulged in her own world once more.
"I played with her everyday. She was my first best friend. However, she transferred schools when she was 9.. and ah did NOT have a good time. It felt just like when my parents left me. When they promised that they'll c-come home.. f-for me!"
AJ began to sob.
Rainbowdash panicked. Being the one who did not know how to cheer up a friend properly, she patted AJ's head.
AJ suddenly stopped her sobbing.
"Could y-you.. do that again?"
Dash, who was confused, awkwardly patted AJ's head as instructed.

The cowgirl smiled.

"The same old awkward patting.
  Same old magenta eyes.
  Same old personality,
  huh, Raishi?"

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