The Cause - Chapter 8

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       A girl was standing between her and the bullies, her arms crossed to form a shield.       "First, you bully Fluttershy and me. Now, you're after AJ?" she shrieked in fury. 
The crowd booed.
Stunned, Score groaned and hung his fist over to his side. RD put her mouth next to his ear and whispered. "Don't you b*tches dare lay a finger on Apples. If you do, I'd snap you in two in a blink of an eye."
     Score blinked, unamused. "Awee, Rainbowcrash protecting her little girlfriend? I always knew you were gay all along, I mean, I could just tell from your hair-"
    "SHUT UP! F*CK OFF!" The enraged girl hollered. Her voice echoed through the hallways, silencing every conversation shared between students. They all looked at her. Great, now I'm going to Principal Celestia's office for sure, she thought. AJ grabbed her hand, still rolled up on the floor, shielded from the depths of hell by her best friend, Raishi. "Rainbow, stay out of this! Please, just go mind your own business. You're putting yourself in trouble for no reason!" she muttered under her breath.
     "This is my business. Stay back, Apples."

     Fuming, Score raised his fists once more, fury in his eyes. Quickly, it launched at RD. The agile girl, who had gone through many tiresome soccer and basketball practises, smirked and easily dodged the blow. It was as if a teenage mutant ninja turtle was attacking her, except the turtle was still at its slow pace. She grabbed Score's arms and went right under it and behind him, twisting his arm in the process. It all happened so fast, nobody could react. Everyone could hear a mere cracking sound. RD could have ripped his whole arm out, but she was going easy on him today.
     Releasing his arm, Score collapse to the ground. 'One score for RD, 0 for Dumb-bell's little gang. Pun intended,' RD thought.
      The blue girl turned around to face the two remaining opponents. Dumb-bell glared at her. She stuck her tongue out. Loop launched head first at her. 'Playing rugby now, huh?' She ducked and grabbed his leg to swing him the other way, to prevent her little Jackie from being harmed. Dang, was Loop heavy. Despite that, he rolled across the hallway, students making way for the bowling ball, as he smashed into a locker. Score!
     RD grinned at the sight, and locked eyes on Dumb-bell. "It's you and me now, Dummy."
       She could smell the fear emitting from her opponent.
      Just as they were going to start their bad business, the announcer came on. RD looked at the speaker, unaware that Dumb-bell was coming at her. He landed a blow at her stomach as she tumbled to the ground, painstakingly grabbing onto her stomach. She winced and a few droplets of blood flowed out of her mouth. She hated the taste the defeat.


     "Third time this year...," the tough girl grumbled. She and her two defeated opponents got up on her feet, shaking. Step by step, she walked down the hallway, refusing eye contact with anyone but Jackie. She turned around and smiled at AJ, who looked like she was nearly in tears.
     "What have ah done... Raishi is hurt because of me," she muttered. She could only get back on her feet and wish all the best for her Rainbow.

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