Promises - Chapter 1

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"Mama, Papa?"
"Where are you going?"
"Hush, my sweet little apple. We'll be back for you."
The vulnerable young girl glued her hands to her face. Tears streamed out of her beautiful emerald eyes, which were hidden away by her baby soft fingers.
"You p-promise, Mama?"
The young woman smiled passionately at her baby. There was a shimmer in her eyes as she leaned in to kiss her daughter. The father joined in and gave the young girl his cowboy hat. He had been wearing it all his life, given by his grandmother who had passed on early after he was given birth to. He could not remember her face clearly, but he remembered her gentle, wrinkled touch and bed time fairytales.
"Here's a little something for you, AJ. You can keep my hat."
Applejack grasped onto the brown leather accessory. She blinked a tear and hugged her parents goodbye.


"AJ... come here sweet pea", Granny Smith called out. "Yes, Grandmama?"
"Ah have something to tell you and Big Mac, but promise me you would be strong and won't shed a tear. Mama and Papa wouldn't want you to do it, now would they?"
AJ's adorable smile quivered and turned upside down. Her eyes, which were filled with life and magic, lost their shine all of a sudden.
"W-what happened, Grandmama?! What h-happened to Mama and Papa?!"
"Now, my child, calm down."
The big brother finally opened to speak. Out came the words "Granny. Please tell us what happened." He had a serious look on his face.
"Ah will tell you, but first you children have to listen, and PROMISE to be strong, like I have said. Granny is getting old, I can't handle ya'll if you start misbehaving yourselves after ah tell ya this."
The children were silent.
The heartbeats of their panicking minds could be heard. Snow was falling outside, forming thick layers of snow on the fields of the farm. The sky was as dark as coal, and as empty as the void. Fire crackled in the Apple Family's living room. Applebloom, their almost two year old sibling, was crawling on the floor, playing with her two favorite dolls. Both were ponies, there was a cyan pegasus with fascinating rainbow mane, while the other was a simple orange cow girl with golden locks.
Granny Smith took a deep breath, one that is merely as deep as space.

"Mama and Papa have passed on."

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