Jealousy? - Chapter 12

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Applejack gazed across the room at a certain rainbow hair coloured girl. Her emerald eyes were locked on the girl as she rested her head on her fists, supported by the table, totally unfocused on the lesson. Rainbowdash was seated on the far left side of the English classroom, completely opposite AJ. The solar flare from the huge burning ball of gas hung high in the sky caused the blondie to squint her eyes to be able to look at the blue beauty on the other side. However, she did notice some differences in her angel. RD was wearing her blue hoodie over her head this time, which Applejack had barely seen before. Only when RD tried to shield herself from the rain did she use her hoodie and walk down the soaked sidewalks, slowly getting drenched in the weather.
Now, you could barely see her colourful locks, just purple, red and orange. She also seemed to had zoned out of the world. Usually, she would be your everyday class clown-but now she was just looking down at the table, chair pushed in, arms crossed and actually well behaved. Except for the fact that she was not paying any attention to the teacher.
Rainbowdash turned to catch AJ staring at her as the cowgirl quickly switched her attention back to the chalkboard, flushing as red as cherry. Even though her eyes were focused on the many words written on the chalkboard, AJ could still feel RD staring back at her. RD gave a warm smile and followed, turning back to the chalkboard as well.
Sitting next to AJ was Trixie, who seemed to have noticed the tension. The girl leaned towards Applejack and whispered into her ear. "Oooo, what's going on? You guys fighting or something?", she teased. "I've never seen anyone so mad their whole face turns red." She gave a little wink at the blondie as she flushed bright red once again. "P-Please go mind ya own business Trixie..." the cowgirl muttered, covering her face with her hat. "Don't worry, AJ! I'm no monster unlike those students, I respect you girl's choices. Plus, I think you two look cute together!" the white hair girl squealed. AJ tried to act calm, even though deep down she felt like shrieking in content. She smiled instantly when she heard Trixie's comment and accidentally gave out an "EEK!"
"Applejack! Trixie! Pay attention!" Ms Cheerilee snapped. The whole class looked at them ,giggling, only RD smiled at the sight of Applejack. AJ could not help but notice it and blush again. RD should be laughing at me as usual, not smiling! What's going on? Why is she so calm and quiet today? This is such a wacky lesson... she told herself.

A few moments later, the school bell rung, announcing the period of a well deserved one hour lunch break. Students rushed to the cafeteria as AJ stayed outside her classroom with RD and Twilight while waiting for their other friends to join them further down the hallway. Chill, Dash. Act cool. AJ is right next to you right now, just aaact cooool, RD bit her lip.
"How was English?" The purple hair girl smiled with optimism. "Ah, it was fine..." AJ lied. "What were you and Trixie talking about?" the girl asked. Rainbowdash snapped back to her senses when she heard those words. Her hands were tucked in her jacket pockets, head still hidden behind her navy blue hoodie. Her attention was clearly caught as she moved a tad closer to hear what AJ had to say, while also trying to not let that be noticed by her friends.
AJ bit her lip and spit out the words, "Ah didn't understand what Ms Cheerilee was teachin', so ah asked Trixie. That's all!" RD frowned with disappointment as Twilight shrugged her curiosity off.
AJ secretly let out a sigh of relief.
"HEYA! We're here!" A voice squeaked from behind them. "Alright, lets get to lunch!" Twilight said as she led the girls through the long hallways. They were chatting along the way, mostly complaining about their lessons and stuff, as usual. Then, Fluttershy asked a question that caught her friends' attention. "Dashie, why are you covering your head with your hoodie? I barely see you do that."
"Yes, Rainbow. Is something wrong? You seem quiet today," Rarity added.
RD blinked, flashbacks to the previous week ran through her mind.
Rainbowdash slowly opened the door of her bathroom, taking a step outside. Daylight lit up the whole house, showcasing the shattered dishes and broken windows. There was so much bloodshed, RD just stood there gripping onto the handle of the half open bathroom door. Water filled up her emerald eyes as her lips quivered in shock and terror. The bodies of her parents had disappeared, probably hidden by the intruders that previous night. However, she could still remember the dead body of her father clearly. She was not able to see her mother's, which she was not sure whether she wanted to or not.
The first thing Rainbowdash did was run up to the nearest police station and inform them on what had happened. Fortunately, it was not hard for the officers to track down the intruders and throw them into jail. She lived alone since then in the house, but barely stayed indoors. She would always be outside in the backyard playing soccer by herself, or sometimes taking an afternoon stroll around her small town. RD, barely knowing how to cook, fed on instant noodles, snacks, apples, for obvious reasons, bought from a nearby cheap minimart. Some of her and her parent's precious valuables were stolen, including her Nintendo switch, mobile phone, computer, TV, wallets, and other stuff she still had not figured out yet.

"RD?" A country accent voice called.

"Rainbooowwww?" A much higher pitched one this time.

The blue girl snapped back down to earth, blinking her eyes and shaking her head.
The first person she saw was Fluttershy. She was staring right back at her, eyes welling up. "Y-you're crying!" The yellow girl spit out between sobs. "I-I don't like to see you cry..." She hugged RD tightly.
Rainbowdash came back to her senses,
touching her cheeks to feel water. She hugged Fluttershy back as she noticed a glare coming from a certain flustered apple girl.

"It's fine... really...." Rainbowdash eventually spoke after a minute of silence. Her friends were just staring, unsure of what to say.
RD broke out of her quiet character as she tried to make it less awkward and change the topic. "Alright, guys! Let's just get to the cafeteria now, I bet you girls are hungry," She grinned. One could tell she was attempting to get out of the situation.

Once they settled down in the cafeteria with a variety of food in their hands, they immediately started digging in, forgetting all about what had happened just mere minutes ago. Hunger overtook them. "Famn, Thime Thungry!" Sunset muffled through in her chewing mouth. A growl was heard throughout the table. The orange hair girl scratched the back of her head as Pinkie giggled.
"What do you girls have after lunch?" Rarity asked, while chomping into her cucumber sandwich.
"I have Music..." A certain soft pink girl muttered shyly. She nibbled into her strawberry cupcake.
"Same for me!" AJ slapped the back of Fluttershy, which caused her to choke. AJ immediately flushed red and started apologising. "I-It's okay, Applejack!" Fluttershy smiled awkwardly.

"Well, I'm having math with Rarity and Pinks." Sunset said. Twilight smiled. "And that leaves me with Rainbowdash heading for Chemistry. Right, Rainbow?" Twilight nudged her right side, only to realise there was no one sitting on the chair.
"Where did she go?" Sunset asked, worry written across her pale yellow-orange face.
"I'll go look for her," Fluttershy volunteered once again, standing up from her chair. Her tears had just dried. Sheesh, what's with Fluttershy trying to get involved with RD all the time? AJ thought to herself. No, AJ! She's just trying to be a good friend, you're not jealous. She argued with herself.
"Ah'll go," AJ beamed with confidence, standing up opposite Fluttershy. "Ya stay here, Flutters. Ya need rest after all that cryin'." Without waiting for any response from her friends, AJ dashed off.
Flutters shot an unnoticeable glare at the cowgirl as she sat back down, pushing in her chair.

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