Friendship Is Forever - Chapter 10

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Hey peeps, just wanted to apologise for not updating this for quite awhile. I found this story really cringe and i doubt myself on this😂 but if you guys want to see more, please let me know. i dont want to write all this and not get to bring a smile to anyone's faces :) heres chapter 10, hope yall enjoy!

     It had been a long tiring day of school. The front of CHS was filled with students, either chatting or heading home. The afternoon sun shone down on the school, asserting it's dominance and power.
    The girls met up at the front of the school as usual. "Finally! I'd really like to get my beauty sleep right now," the fashionista dramatically placed her hand over her forehead.
     "Excuse me, I had a chemistry test due today! Do you know how long I've stayed up for last night?" Twilight joked, while also sleepily rubbing her panda eyes. "Hey, at least you weren't the one who got chocolate milk spilled on her during lunch!" Sunset grumbled.  "All the attention was directed on me."
"Poor Sunset, that must've been so embarrassing for ya," AJ replied. The rest of them giggled, remembering the incident. Fluttershy cupped her mouth, trying not to laugh as well to offend Sunset. But then she laughed along when she saw Sunset laugh while holding onto the concrete of CHS's statue for support.
       That caused them to look at it. The big structure of a horse stood high above them, mighty looking. Pinkie smiled sadly. "I missed having pony Twi around..." she mumbled. Twilight heard her and could not help but feel at fault. "I feel like I've replaced her." Rarity gawped, "Heavens, no! Darling, as much as the two of you are pretty much the same entity from two different dimensions and universes, you both are still different in person." Sunset smiled. "We see you two as completely different people, and you did not replace her. You're here to make us feel more completed, since the other Twilight is gone. She's a princess in Equestria and has her own responsibilities, she doesn't belong here." Ironic, coming from a person who belonged in Equestria. Everyone smiled, "But then again, I belong here. With you guys," she added.
Twilight grinned and hug her. "I'd never want you gone for anything in the world. Nothing." Sunset blushed and hugged her back. Soon they all joined in for a big warm group hug. It had been forever since they got to do it. However, it was incomplete. Someone was missing.
         Everyone had the question in their heads, but AJ was the first to ask it. "Does anyone know wheres Rainbow?" In response, her friends shrugged at her. AJ frowned. "I'll text her," Fluttershy volunteered, smiling innocently.
A minute or two later, they got an answer.
The girls surrounded her, trying to have a look at her phone.Fluttershy squealed, she had claustrophobia. Feeling enclosed and caved in, she quivered with fear. She did not tell anybody, though, afraid she would be laughed at. So, she kept a straight face and did not think about it.

Me: Dashie, where have you been? Your friends and i are worried about you...

New Message
Rainbowdash🌈⚡️: sorry, flutters. principal celestia got me suspended for a week. dont know why she's overreacting over such a small brawl.

"Awww, that sucks," Pinkie grumbled.
"Now, I was right there when the fight happened and I wouldn't really consider it 'such a small brawl'," AJ commented.
"But then again Darling, she's Rainbowdash," Rarity replied, disappointed that her friend would be missing out on school.
"At least she doesn't have to go to school," Sunset grinned, trying to lighten up the mood. It worked a bit.

The six friends chatted a bit more, until they finally decided to part and head home. Twilight took the bus alone with her pet dog, Spike, secretly hidden in her schoolbag, since her house was in the city near Crystal Prep High.
Pinkie and Sunset walked the same path home, they actually lived close to each other. That leaves AJ, Rarity and Fluttershy taking the other pathway home until the path splits them up.

Despite being physically distanced, their strong bonds still held them together closer than ever.

And thats chapter 10, guys xD this wasnt anything romantic or special whatsoever, its just about their friendship, just like what the show intends :) also the last para is just a little hint about the current situation. i promise the next chapter would have a little more excitement, and ill probably be doing these openings and closings from now onwards 😂 once again, let me know your thoughts in the comments !

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