They Know - Chapter 9

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The drama died down in the hallway as the crowds starting clearing, bored of the closure of the battle which had broke out at AJ's locker. The only students left were AJ's friends.
"Applejack, would you mind explaining to us what just happened? What's up with you and Rainbow?" A concerned Rarity asked her, eyes narrowed. Sunset pulled out her mobile phone and logged onto Instagram. She scrolled through for a few moments and then exposed her screen to AJ.
On the post, it was a picture of Applejack and Rainbowdash snuggling together that morning on the bench in the park. AJ was wearing RD's favourite blue hoodie, Papa's hat in the warmth of her hands, with her head resting on RD's shoulder. RD had her hands around AJ, head rested on top of AJ. One could easily tell they were in love.
Applejack immediately flushed red at the sight if it. "A-ah... who t-took the.. well..-" she sputtered. She had no idea what to tell her friends. Fluttershy and Pinkie had helped AJ up and gathered her math materials, which were scattered across the floor. "I-its nothing ya'll should care about. Ah'm fine. Let's just get to class," AJ eventually answered. The group of friends could tell that she did not want to talk about this.
Twilight placed her hand on her shoulder and took a deep breath. "AJ, I may be quite new to this group and know little about friendship, but they've known you for a long time. They can tell when something's wrong, and it's okay if you don't wanna tell us what's going on. We just wanna let you know that you could tell us anything, and that we'd always be there for you." The students gawped, jaws dropped low. They were clearly impressed by Twilight's speech, considering the last time she had attempted to say something smart.
Twilight noticed this and blushed. "Yes! Way to go Twilight!" She high-fived her brain in her mind. "You too, Brainy!"
(What the heck is going on now, sorry guys!😂)

In response, AJ smiled and hugged her. The other friends joined in. "Aweee, group hug!" yelped the bubbly pink girl. The remaining students in the hall felt grossed out. "I can't believe they're still friends with that lesbian," one of them gossiped.
AJ heard, but she could only smile and hug her friends tighter, knowing she had loyal friends who would stick by her side no matter what happened.

Lessons had started. AJ settled down on her desk as she looked around the classroom. "Weird, Rainbow got sent to the office an hour ago. She should be back here by now."
AJ grabbed the sides of her heads, in her very own panic room. "Oh neily, ah was the one who got her into this mess! She's probably gonna be so mad at me. Ah'll better apologise to her when she comes back."
Once more, AJ's stomach felt all tingly. "It sure was sweet of her to defend me from those bullies though. Ah need to stand up for myself. Ah'm too weak. Ah need to be independent."
AJ blinked and cupped her face, so that no student could see her cheeks steaming hot pink. She blushed as she thought about Score's words: "Awee, Rainbowcrash protecting her little girlfriend."
The word 'girlfriend' rang through her head, absorbing the cowgirl into her own fantasy.

The sound of two claps pierced through her thoughts. "Alright, class! Take out your textbooks and flip to page . . ."
The cowgirl groaned and face planted onto her desk. Oh how she hated maths.

After a boring old math lecture about fractional equations to end the period, AJ realised Rainbowdash never attended the lesson. The lesson was weird for her, today. She glanced at the empty seat behind her and sighed.
On a normal day at Math Lesson, RD and AJ would pull small pranks on each other, but usually RD was the first to start it. However, if AJ decided to focus on the lesson and not let herself be distracted by RD, the blue girl would start shooting rubber bands at her. The most pain AJ felt by those rubber bullets felt as though a tiny puppy was trying to bite her, which did not bother her so much.
Suddenly, AJ felt a light tap on her shoulder. It was Octavia, she sat beside her in Maths class. "My apologies, Sweetie, if I had ruined your daydream. I just thought I had to tell you that Ms. Cheerilee had your name for the fifth time already."
The cowgirl blushed with embarrassment as she realised that the whole class was staring at her. "This was how Twilight felt on Monday, huh?" she muttered to herself.
The blonde hair girl walked up to the whiteboard, ignoring her classmates giggling and taunting of "Lesbian", "Gay", "Black sheep"
and "Embarrassment". She picked up a piece of chalk and starting solving the question on the blackboard.
Throughout the whole thing, she could not get Rainbowdash off her mind.

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