Heartbreak - Chapter 14

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Rainbowdash stepped onto warm concrete ground of Canterlot High School. Just another normal day... She breathed in the fresh air, holding in the breath. The blue girl grinned and stretched her arms. The school was still rather empty, given how early RD had came today compared to other days.

It was 7am in the morning, whereas classes usually started at 8:30am. I want to see Applejack. I need to see Applejack, She thought. Surprisingly excited for this school day, Rainbowdash made her way inside the school. She slipped her phone out of her navy blue hoodie and checked the group chat that had her six other friends in it.
Best Friends🌈💗!

Me: hey, where r u guys? im at school

Sunset: Woah, so early already? Isnt that something coming from you

Rarity: I agree, darling! You usually get to school right before the bell rings.


Me: umm.... i-

Sunset: Im pretty sure theres nothing special today, Pinkie...

Twilight: Plus, rainbowdash, its wednesday. Late day. School starts at 9am, remember?

Me: ooooohhh, yeeeeaaaaaaaa. oopsies.

Me: well, i might as well kill some time here while waiting. cya!

Rainbowdash groaned and made her way to her locker, slipping her phone back into her hoodie. Mindlessly, she got her soccer ball and gym outfit and started towards to school field.


"Aannd the amazing Rainbowdash works her way past the opponents with such bizarre agility!"

"She goes for a triple spin, blocking the opponent with her body."

"The opponent attempts to kick the ball away, only to be left with low self esteem."

"The path was clear! Rainbowdash awesomely makes a beeline for the goal!"

"The pressure is intense, the opponents are catching up behind her! But would they make it in time?"

"Goalkeeper is too scared, he stayed rooted to the ground! Rainbowdash sees this as an opportunity!"

"She brings her foot back, collecting the needed momentum for a rough shot, and launches the ball at the goal!"

"SCORE! What a radical move performed by the one and only Rainbowdash!" The ego-maniac huffed in third person. She collapsed to the ground, panting in victory. Well, sort of.
Orange cones were messily thrown around the field. The field was empty of actual players.

"Woohoo! Great job RD!"

Rainbowdash lifted herself up from the grass. She looked over at the spectating benches, only to spot a familiar cowgirl.
"AJ?" Rainbow panted, using her knees as support. "What are you doing here? It's still early!"

"Well, watching ya of course." AJ smirked.

"How long have you been here?"

"Since you started commentating on yourself, which was basically since you started."

Rainbowdash blushed. "Well of course, an awesome person likes me needs to be praised for my coolness."

AJ rolled her eyes and chuckled, leaving a flustered Rainbowdash trying to hide her burning cheeks.
"Really, though, ya were rockin' it out there!" Applejack added.

"Aw, it was nothin'," RD grinned.

Rainbowdash, right then and there, decided that she was gonna do it. That she was gonna confess her feelings to the only person she had ever really loved.

The field was empty, no one would distract them. Just them two. School starts in an hour and a half. Why wouldn't this be the perfect time?

"Uh, Apples?" The blue girl started.

"Yea?" Said AJ, walking closer to her, grabbing her backpack.

"I've got something to tell you."

"Ya can tell me anythin, Sugarcube."

Applejack's heart was racing. She had no idea what her angel was about to ask her, but she hoped that it was something about their relationship. She kept her cool, trying to look as relaxed as possible.

There's no going back, RD, Rainbow told herself.
She took a deep breath and stepped closer to AJ, noses just a few centimetres apart.

Too close, Applejack blinked in surprise.

"Do you... like anyone?" The blue girl finally mouthed. She was staring down, avoiding eye contact with the blondie. Her eyes were squeezed shut, impatiently waiting for an answer.

Applejack was half shocked, "A-ah.. uh..."
What do I say? Do I like Rainbowdash? Why am I only asking myself now? Oh my celestia, Applejack. You gotta tell her somethin. Applejack reached deep into her brain, sensing the impatience coming from the other party.

"So?" Rainbowdash huffed, raising an eyebrow.

What if she doesn't like me? She probably likes someone else, someone cooler and sportier like her. Like Soarin. AJ, what has gotten into you? She OBVIOUSLY likes Soarin! They're in the same football team, almost spending the whole afternoon practising. They're close friends. He likes her. She likes him. Not me. Never would it be me. She loves-


Applejack flared her eyes open, panic-stricken and not knowing what to say.


Wait no, that wasn't what I meant-

"Wait," Rainbowdash's eyes were wide.

"Soarin? You like SOARIN?", heartbreak was written all over the poor girl's face. Her eyes were getting really reflective and shiny real fast.
Why him.. Oh shoot, AJ shouldn't see me like this!

Rainbow quickly turned around, back facing who she thought would be her soulmate. Who she thought belonged to her. Tears were welling up in her eyes. Dammit, Rainbow. When did you become such a crybaby?! Why does Applejack like Soarin?! What does he have that I don't? Is it because she's straight? That I'm a girl? I can't believe I actually thought Applejack liked me!

Applejack finally came back to her senses, processing what she said, what Rainbow said, what just happened.

Thoughts overwhelming her, Rainbowdash fled. She shouldn't see me crying like this!

"Wait RD! Come back! I didn't mean it!", Applejack held her hand out and ran after the girl. Rainbowdash was a lot faster, and she disappeared from sight in less than a few seconds. Applejack was lost in thoughts.

"No, wait, please!"

It was useless.
Applejack stood next to the door frame, panting in exhaustion. Beads of perspiration ran down her forehead. "Ah give up... she's too fast." She took a moment to get back her breath.

Someone walked around the corner. He was huge in size, menacing. He bore golden flaming hair.

"Dumbbell? Is that ya? Please don't hurt me...", the cowgirl puffed.

AJ looked up, catching a glimpse of her brother.

"Big Mac? Waddya doin' her-"

"Sis? What happened to ya? Never mind, doesn't matter. We gotta go,"

Big Mac grabbed her arm and dragged her towards the front of the school.
"Where are we going?", the cowgirl asked, glancing at her family's truck.

"Ah still got school later, ya know!"

"Not anymore, Sis. We're moving."

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