Confidential Confidants

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As soon as you got into your room you collapse onto your bed, honestly surprised you made it home with how full of food you felt after the buffet. Morgana was in a similar position, slumping onto the ground as you both groaned out. The intense smell of curry prominent in Leblanc definitely hadn't helped your stomachs it seemed. After a few minutes, you slowly began to recover, leaning over to talk to Morgana.

"Still...totally worth it right?" you grunted out, trying to keep your dinner down even now. Morgana used his remaining energy reserves to look back up at you to reply

"Definitely" he said, the closest thing you could get to a cat smile on his face as he did. You both laughed for a split second before groaning out again, your stomachs rejecting any form of movement. It took more time than you expected, but you eventually felt better, getting dressed for bed and getting under the covers. Morgana as usual jumped on top of the bed, getting himself comfortable. You had never had any pets before he had come along, but already you were getting used to his presence in the nights.

"So! Since we're a proper organization now, I wanted to do some brainstorming with you, leader"


"Of course!" Mona continued. "Expect things to get tougher and tougher from here on out, so we gotta keep on top of our equipment and tactics any way we can! There are plenty of people out there with skills that could help the Phantom Thieves"

You nodded, both of you sharing determined looks to each other. You spent an hour or so chatting with Morgana, discussing anything you could think of that could give you a leg up in efforts to change the hearts of criminals. The Phantom Thieves were here to stay, and you were gonna make sure that every job was done in style. "You talked about learning gymnast moves from Kasumi before, right?" you queried to Morgana, him returning a nod.

"Right, you should ask her the next time you see her"

"Will do"

"Alright, guess we've gotten ourselves a pretty decent plan of action. Don't forget, you're our leader, so it's up to you to-"

You: "We're gonna help you too. You don't have to worry" you interrupted, Mona's attention turning back to you fully.


"I understand that this means a lot to you. Your memories, turning back into a human, a lot is riding on this for you. I promise, no matter how many hearts we change or how many 'phans' support us on that silly site Mishima made, we are gonna help you. We'll find your memories and turn you back to normal"

"W-well yeah! Obviously! It's the least you can do for all my generous help!" the feline responded. Morgana had seemingly been unprepared for your sincere comments, though he definitely seemed relieved to hear them aloud.

"Plus, I'm curious as to how you'd look like as a human" you added, trying to picture it in your head.

"Obviously drop-dead handsome!" Mona chimed back.

"Gonna make 'Lady Ann' swoon?"

"A dashing rogue like me? How could she NOT swoon?"

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