Finding Your Reason

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You: Kasumi please respond. I want to talk

You: I'm sorry for what happened. Just come over so we can figure this out

It had been two days since your escape from police custody. In that time, you had been primarily bedridden, slowly healing from the wounds you received. Every day you had messaged Kasumi over and over, begging her to come and talk to you...and every day you received no response. You were currently walking around the clinic, Takemi keeping a close eye on you as you tried to support yourself on your wounded leg. It still hurt here and there, but overall you seemed okay at this point, a slight limp still being visible.

Takemi: "I think it's safe to discharge you. Long as you aren't running around like crazy any time soon, you should be okay. I'll prescribe you some painkillers and deliver them to your place every couple or so days"

You: "I really can't thank you enough for your help Tae"

The blue haired doctor waved my compliment away. With what she had said, you finally sent off a message to your friends, with them having waited at Leblanc for your coming arrival today. On the first day at the clinic, Tae had messaged them all on your condition, explaining that currently you just needed time to heal. As a result, you hadn't really seen any of them in the past two days. With what was going on with Kasumi and you, seeing your friends might help lighten your mood once more you thought. With your things packed away, you headed towards the exit, using a hooded jacket Sae had dropped off on one of her visits to hide your face on the streets.

Takemi: " careful okay? Your physical wounds may have begun to heal but...I'm not sure about the rest..."

You: "The rest? What's that mean?"

Takemi: "...nevermind...just me worrying over my patient"

You gave Tae one last sincere smile before you headed back out into the streets of Yongen. You kept your head down as you made your way to Leblanc, stopping outside the front door for a moment. With a deep breath, you tried to relax yourself before entering.

You: "Okay..."

With that, you opened up the door, seeing the faces of your comrades. Everyone eye's lit up at the sight of you, all of them quickly rushing over to see you.

Sojiro: "H-Hey! Give the kid some space...he's still healing you know..."

Haru: "It's great to see you again F/n!"

Yusuke: "Indeed, things truly weren't the same in your absence"

Ann: "How ya been?"

You: "Well...I died..."

Ann: "Hehe, you must be doing alright if you can joke like that!"

Makoto: "Are you sure you're fully healed? My sis gave me updates on your condition from time to time"

You: "I'll be okay. Where is Sae actually?"

Makoto: "On her way over, she got held up at the office"

Ryuji: "Yeah yeah, enough about that boring stuff man! Lemme see it!"

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