A False Start

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You: "You could have told me bout Mona you know"

Sojiro: "And ruin the surprise? He's my Christmas gift after all"

You: "Cheapskate"

Sojiro: "Heh, like you can talk. Where's my present?"

You: "Catch"

You chucked him a present you had wrapped before and had kept hidden, your guardian being caught off guard as he fumbled to catch it. Once he did, he looked at you shocked.

Sojiro: "I was only kidding you know. Didn't need to get me anything"

You: "Call it a reward for harbouring a fugitive"

Curious, he unpackaged the gift, revealing a cookbook you had bought at your local bookstore.

You: "Figured a ladies man like yourself would be a bit more of a hit if he knew how to cook more than one thing"

Sojiro: "Even giving gifts, you're still a punk"

Sojiro ruffled up your hair a bit to your dismay, forcing a smile out of you as he began turning through the pages.

Sojiro: "Thanks, maybe now I can start giving you and Futaba better food diets"

You: "Looking forward to seeing what you come up with"

Sojiro chuckled a bit as the two of you continued to pack away the dishes Yusuke had washed, Morgana laying on the counter behind you. After Mona's surprise reveal, you had all enjoyed your Christmas dinner as the feline was buried under a plethora of gifts from your friends. The party had finally died down though, and everyone had headed on back to their homes, leaving the three of you.

Morgana: "Oooh, I wonder if the chief can learn to make sushi. That would be perfect!"

You: "Not a peep out of you mister. Still mad you faked your death, that's my move"

Morgana: "Aww, you miss me that much huh?"

You: "Oh yeah, I was dreading having to spend the money on an alarm clock, your upkeep is way cheaper"

Morgana: "Yeaaah, you missed me"

You turned around and splashed water on the snarky cat, surprising him as he instinctively hissed at you in response.

Sojiro: "Hey, what ya do that for?"

You: "He was insulting your cooking"

Morgana: "I did not! Don't listen to his lies Sojiro!"

Sojiro: "Heh, didn't realise I had such picky eaters. Ah whatever, I'll let it slide since its Christmas. Hey, I got the rest handled down here, why don't you head on upstairs?"

You nodded and headed towards the stairs, Morgana following you up.

Morgana: "Have a nice night boss!"

Now upstairs, you took a seat on your couch, Morgana settling down next to you. Slowly, you moved your hand to pet him, the cat nuzzling into your hand a bit.

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